How did I have time to write a letter to you on Christmas eve?! I am SO excited for your first Christmas tomorrow, Amelia! I hope you love everything we (and Santa!) got you. You really do complete our lives!
Pregnancy Week: 30
It has been almost three weeks since my last letter! Momma feels like such a slacker, but we have been extremely busy with work and the holidays. Our hectic schedules have also kept us from preparing for your arrival. You still have no furniture in your room or anything on your baby registry. Even
though Christmas is tomorrow, I am hoping that I can drag your dad out
this weekend to start making some big purchases at Nebraska Furniture
Mart to tackle something off of my list for you.
see where to pick back up… Mommy had your 27.5 week ultrasound finally
and Corie went with as daddy was out of town for work. You
are quite the active little girl as the ultrasound technician never got
a clear photo of you! You wouldn’t keep your hands out of your face
or mouth. Little stinker already, I can tell! My
right side pain wasn’t my rib cage like I had originally thought;
apparently my uterus has started pushing on my ureter and has caused
fluid to backup into my right kidney. This is
causing some intense pain at times, but as long as there is no
infection, there isn’t anything to do for the pain unless I undergo
surgery to have stints put in (which isn’t an option in my book!). Also, your growth looked great and they are no longer concerned because you were already weighing in at two pounds, nine ounces! For the record, that is bigger than most babies at 27.5 weeks.
We have doctor’s appointments every two weeks now that we hit our third trimester. At your last appointment, mommy was almost 29 weeks along and you were already measuring 31 weeks! Apparently you are going to be one big little girl! Hopefully, this also means you are going to be healthy and give momma all the baby chub her heart desires. Our next appointment isn’t until New Years Eve, which is hard to believe because that is exactly one week from today! 2013
has been a crazy, eventful, life changing year and we can’t wait for
2014 to finally meet you and see what other amazing things God has in
store for the Koch family!
Grandma Jamie and Grandpa Doug gave you your first Christmas present and stocking over the weekend. Mommy can’t wait to put you in the headbands and snuggle you in your new blanket. I am anxiously awaiting your arrival, if you didn’t already pick up on that. I am sure that Mimi and Papa will also have gifts waiting for you on Christmas morning. You aren’t even born yet and are already spoiled rotten!!!
Until next time little miss,
Love you to the moon and back,