- How far along?: 29 weeks... hello Third Trimester =D
- Baby is the size of a: Butternut Squash (according to Baby Bump app)
- Total weight gain/loss: +10 pounds... probably more after all this Thanksgiving food!
- Stretch Marks? Still just the one small, white one on my side and possibly one under my belly that came and disappeared with Amelia
- The Bump: large and in charge!
- Symptoms: right side ache/pain is pretty consistent and general feelings of discomfort. Headaches once a week.
- Food cravings: All the Thanksgiving food!!!
- Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: I can only take chicken in small quantities before it grosses me out
- Sleep: About 8 hours since Amelia has been staying up later and later... and using the bathroom about twice a night depending on how much I drink after 8pm
- What I miss: my sleep! and not having the annoying right side ache
- Weddings Rings On or Off: Definitely on
- Any Names Picked Out Yet: Picked out =D I don't see Brandon changing his mind
- Movement: ALL the time! It's crazy to watch my belly move when laying down. He mostly sticks to my right side, just like Amelia... but I definitely feel him on my left about once a day.
- Maternity Clothes: Maternity leggings and sweats have been my life lately with having FIVE Thanksgivings in 4 days!
- Labor Signs: Nothing, thank goodness!
- Best Moment of the week: All the yummy food and family time!!! Thanksgiving food is my FAVORITE and I have no problem eating it all day for a week.
- Feeling: FULL!!! So full!
- What I’m excited about/looking forward to: Doctors appointments every 2 weeks now! Love my OB and listening to little man's heartbeat! Hopefully a cookie bake with great grandma N next weekend. We are taking Amelia to the Polar Express in Lincoln in two weeks to see Santa and his elves. She is going to have such a good time; I already know it!