Sunday, November 6, 2016

Theodore's Birth Story

It's now past 6am. You are struggling to fall asleep in the next room courtesy of your first bottom tooth ready to pop through. As I listen to you fuss, all I can think about is I still haven't written your birth story and I feel horrible. Things are starting to get fuzzy and I know I'll have to double check everything with your baby book in the morning.  But, better late than never? ...

I had been up for hours anticipating your arrival and we still managed to arrive late to the hospital for your induction. I'll blame daddy for that one. At 39 weeks and 4 days, mama had been dilated to three centimeters for two solid weeks and no contractions were in sight.  February 11th was cold but sunny with a threat of snow.  We were as prepared as ever and  ready to meet you.

We were scheduled to arrive at  7:00am and we managed to stumble in around 7:45. Dropping off big sister Amelia at Nannie and Grandpa's took longer than expected.  After getting all checked in, mama got her IV placed and was started on Petocin. Dr. G came in around 8:30 and decided to break my water since things were going so well. She instructed me to start walking the halls to get things really moving and I could have an epidural once I hit four centimeters.

Laps with an IV pole attached to you are super fun, let me tell ya. We at least prepared accordingly this time and packed tennis shoes! Knowing what to expect the second time around made things a lot easier on us. By 10:30am, my contractions were getting stronger and I knew I wanted to get my epidural placed before things got too much harder.

I was lying in bed with an epidural by 11:00am and Dr. G predicted you would be here by 3:00pm. FOUR HOURS! In four short hours, we would get to meet you! Just like with your sister, my epidural took forever to fully kick in. They ended up calling the anesthesiologist back in around 11:30am because I could still feel pain. After another round of numbing, I was finally comfortable and already to six centimeters!

Even though mama couldn't eat, daddy called Papa up to bring him lunch. The nurse instructed him not to go too far as I was progressing quickly. By 12:30pm, I was at a nine and decided to call Taylor, our birth photographer, to head to the hospital. Things went pretty quickly from there.

My cervix was stubborn again and stalled at a nine. Even though I was 95% numb (I'm lucky and still manage to have some feeling in my legs even with an epidural), the nurses managed to get me onto all fours (don't ask!) and this technique brought me to 10 centimeters by 1:00pm! As crazy as it looked, it worked and they called back in Dr. G because I was more than ready to start pushing.

With Brandon by my side and Taylor above our heads, I began the birthing process. After pushing through three contractions (I only pushed five times with Amelia, so this seemed LONG!), baby boys head was right there. It got scary after his head made it through and Dr. G instructed me to stop pushing and called a code for backup. I did my best to remain calm as Dr. G didn't some quick maneuvering to safely get baby out without further assistance.

Theodore Michael was brought in to this crazy world at 1:17pm on February 11, 2016.  He weighed 7 pounds 13 ounces (4oz more than sister) and was 21 inches (a full inch longer than sister). Blue and purple from his fast birth and shoulder dystocia (the reason for the code), God was on our side and Theo's shoulder was unaffected by his complicated birth. A perfect little boy to join our family.

Grandpa and Nannie brought Amelia up a few hours after Theodore's arrival.  Needless to say, it was love at first sight.  Amelia was destined to be this little boys big sister.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

All About Amelia - TWO YEARS!!!

Every day brings something new and exciting.  As much as I miss snuggling a fresh newborn, this stage is just so much FUN!!!


Likes/Dislikes: Amelia LOVES her kitchen, playing with her babies and her "people" (any small doll/house), coloring with mama, "working out" in the basement with daddy and driving any vehicle we will let her (grandpa is known for letting her press all the buttons and honk the horn in his car!).  She is the BEST big sister we could have ever hoped for and is an amazing helper.  GG got her a mini cleaning set for Christmas which remains one of her favorite gifts and she is always willing to help mama sweep and dust.  Cooking has become more of a spectacle now that Amelia always wants to help and "stir, stir, stir" whatever she can get her hands on.  She also loves to be outside, run fast in circles and jump on her bed or trampoline.  We have finally moved past the Mickey Mouse stage and she has now moved on to Super Why!, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood and Thomas the Train.  Thank you, PBS, for having great programming that doesn't drive me up the wall!

As with most two year old's, Amelia is NOT a fan of being told "no."  She knows how to the work system to get what she wants (pretty please and a hug pretty much work every time!) and has been known to throw some pretty epic tantrums.  Just like her daddy, she is one stubborn little kid.  Although she loves showers and baths, she still hates washing her hair and will NOT take a bath/shower anywhere but home.  It doesn't matter if I am there or not, she will totally melt down.  Bedtime still isn't her favorite as she would much rather play all night, but she does great for naps.  We continue to cut Amelia's bangs even though I don't want to because she refuses to keep anything in her hair.  All those pretty bows she has just sit in her closet.  She is such a silly little lady!

Eating Habits: Amelia is not the garbage disposal she once was.  She is NOT a fan of breakfast foods outside of bacon (unless she is with grandparents) and usually has pretzels and milk each morning.  If you give her dippy, she will try just about any meat.  Chicken, steak and bacon remain her favorites.  Broccoli, green beans, peas and spinach with dressing are still the easiest to get Amelia to eat for veggies, but she is coming around to raw carrots and celery.  The only way she will eat a potato is in the french fry form.  Fruit is always a hit (except banana's) and I still can't figure out her favorite as she will eat whatever I put in front of her.  Other favorites include: Ramen Noodles, pretzels and hummus, chicken nuggets, pizza, lasagna, olives, the cream of an Oreo, and cheese sticks.

Sleeping Habits: Amelia still loves her big girl mattress on the floor in her room.  She adores her Minnie Mouse bedding that daddy got her for Christmas and cannot sleep without her blankets and at least one toy.  The best news, we got rid of her bopper (pacifier) and she has FINALLY started sleeping more.  That being said, no matter how hard we try, we can't get this busy body to bed before 10pm.  It doesn't seem to matter if we start at 8:30 or 9:30, the little stinker lays in bed and sings to her babies, hollers for mama, asks to go potty/needs a drink/get tucked back in/needs hugs and kisses... She is a master procrastinator of bedtime and a night owl just like her Grandpa.  She usually wakes up one to two times a night and is up for the day around 8am.  We are down to just one nap a day, usually around 1pm but that all depends on our schedule for the day.

Development: Amelia is almost all the way potty trained.  We had a great start before Theo arrived... only to have major regression afterwards.  She still struggles to poop on the toilet, but has had several accident free days recently (including nap and bed time!).  Clothes in 2T fit her best as most 24 month are too small/tight/short.  She knows most of her ABCs, numbers, and colors (minus a few in each category), can sing several songs


  • Ooooh my goodness!
  • I run fast in circles.
  • Come here, I show you sumtin (something).
  • I get comfy-cozy. (to be tucked in)
  • Mugga Mugga (for Nosey's  /"ugga-mugga" on Daniel Tiger)
  • I love you to the coon and back! (Coon= Cleopatra the dog)
  • Fee-door (for Theodore) 
  • 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
  • Ooooh Baby Kimmy/Baby Santa! (her two favorite babies)
  • Juicy, Juicy, Are you?! (Where are you?)
  • Daddy's workin, gettin money for my piggy bank!




Tuesday, February 9, 2016

39 weeks - Baby Koch #2

  • How far along?: 39 weeks, 3 days!
  • Baby is the size of a: Small pumpkin... a PUMPKIN PEOPLE (according to Ovia Pregnancy app)
  • Total weight gain/loss: +25 pounds ...Not nearly as much as I feared.
  • Stretch Marks? I now have 3 where I originally had 2 from Amelia, plus 2 identical ones on the opposite side.  The white mark on my left side is even bigger, but it doesn't look like the ones on my belly button were for real!
  • The Bump: HUGE! I feel like a blimp.
  • Symptoms: Braxton Hicks contractions all the time now, which don't hurt and are just annoying!  NO HEARTBURN OR LEG CRAMPS THIS PREGNANCY! That has been absolutely AMAZING!!!
  • Food cravings: all things dairy, which I can't have.  Oreos!
  • Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nothing!
  • Sleep: What is sleep?!  The contractions make if difficult to fall asleep since they are so annoying and I toss and turn more.  Amelia wakes up at least twice, plus me going to the bathroom at least twice... Like I said... what is sleep?!
  • What I miss: Dairy, not feeling like a blimp, snuggling Amelia, fitting into clothes!
  • Weddings Rings On or Off: On and off with ease!
  • Any Names Picked Out Yet:  Theodore Michael
  • Gender: BoY
  • Movement: Baby boy moves so much more than Amelia!  I constantly feel kicks and jabs, booty pops and hiccups!  Theo HATES being shocked when we are on the monitors and is a little turkey for hours afterwards.
  • Maternity Clothes: I would rather not wear anything at this point.  Sweats, my two pairs of maternity jeans and all the long shirts I can find!
  • Labor Signs: I was 3cm, almost 4cm, dilated today!  Contractions are still "false" labor and don't cause me pain, which is nice but annoying.  Never lost the plug and induction is scheduled for THURSDAY... which is in TWO DAYS!
  • Best Moment of the week: Knowing we get to meet you in two days in amazing!  I have been trying to soak up every minute with Amelia as my only baby.
  • Feeling: Anxious and nervous now that the end date is official.  Starting to get very emotional and sentimental that it is my last few days as a mama of one.  I can't WAIT to snuggle baby Theo, but am dreading the lack of sleep again.  I am praying that Theo doesn't have MSPI and that nursing isn't nearly as painful and awful this time around. 
  • What I’m excited about/looking forward to: Meeting our son on Thursday!!!!!!  We have to be at the hospital at 7am, which I am not looking forward to.  Mama is NOT a morning person, so this should be interesting.  I am so glad that Theo held off so that Brandon has Thursday-Sunday off to spend with us as a family.  I was getting really nervous that he wouldn't be able to be there for every step of the way.  CAN'T WAIT FOR THURSDAY!!!!

Monday, January 25, 2016

37 Weeks - Baby Koch #2

  • How far along?: 37 weeks
  • Baby is the size of a: Honeydew Melon (according to Ovia Pregnancy app)
  • Total weight gain/loss: +23 pounds ... eek... gaining a pound a week at this point it seems
  • Stretch Marks? Same ones as before, and possibly the belly button ones.
  • The Bump: Big, bigger, biggest ever!
  • Symptoms: Nothing too major right now.  I feel better now than I have the past two months!
  • Food cravings: FRUIT! halo oranges, honeycrisp apples, pineapple, canned peaches
  • Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nothing!
  • Sleep: Not terrible, I still try for 8 hours.  Only waking up 1-2 times which is awesome... but we started potty training Amelia this week and now she is waking up a night to potty,
  • What I miss: Fitting in my clothes without my belly sticking out, playing/rough housing with Amelia, dairy already
  • Weddings Rings On or Off: On without any issues
  • Any Names Picked Out Yet:  Theodore Michael
  • Gender: Little boy blue
  • Movement: Still moving around like a champ.  Definitely feel more alien like this time around with seeing actual body parts move and such.
  • Maternity Clothes: Maternity everything I can and Brandon's t-shirts/long sleeves/coat.
  • Labor Signs: Still not sure if I am feeling contractions... but there is definitely some crazy action going on!  Only 2cm dilated now and have to be "on the monitors" for each appointment here on out.  Doctor wants to induce on February 11 no matter what, so the end is in sight!
  • Best Moment of the week: Girls day date on Monday with Danielle, Mason, my mom, Grandma, Aunts and Amelia!  Of course getting to heart Theo's heartbeat is awesome as well!
  • Feeling: Anxious to meet Theo! Starting to get nervous about labor and how Amelia is going to adjust.  She is starting to get home sick and saying "I go home!" when she sleeps anywhere but home.  I am most worried about how she will do for Nana/Grandpa while we are in the hospital and if that will affect our length of stay.
  • What I’m excited about/looking forward to:Weekly checkup on Tuesday!  I can't wait to see if we have made any progress!!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

36 weeks - Baby Koch #2

  • How far along?: 36 weeks
  • Baby is the size of a: Ripe Papaya (according to Ovia Pregnancy app)
  • Total weight gain/loss: +22 pounds ... and I feel every extra pound trying to stand up from the floor!
  • Stretch Marks? It looks like I may be getting a few white ones around my belly button?  I can't really see well enough at this point to confirm.
  • The Bump: Massive.  I feel a million times bigger and more uncomfortable this time around.
  • Symptoms: Pelvis and lower back ache, a stuffy nose that wont go away
  • Food cravings: Dr. Pepper, Ramen, popsicles, all things sweet
  • Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nothing =)
  • Sleep: Tossing and turning more, up at least 3 times to go potty... trying for 8 hours a night, but it is really hit or miss.
  • What I miss: Sleeping in and through the night, fitting in to my pants normally, being able to cuddle Amelia on my lap comfortably =(
  • Weddings Rings On or Off: On with plenty of room still!
  • Any Names Picked Out Yet:  Theodore Michael !
  • Gender: Baby boy
  • Movement: ALL the time! Feeling feet poke me and baby booty on my right side all the time!  Occasionally, I can feel his hands near my pelvis which is something I never experienced with Amelia!  Hiccups are several times a day, but I find them most annoying at night when I am trying to fall asleep.  Also... the "lightning" pain is getting really uncomfortable.
  • Maternity Clothes: Maternity jeans, sweats, Brandon's t-shirts/long sleeves/coat.  I don't remember wearing Brandon's clothes this much with Amelia (maybe because I was in work clothes so much?), but it's getting a little out of control since they fit me better than him anymore.
  • Labor Signs: Possibly feeling some Braxton Hicks?  I am not really sure since I never had them with Amelia... but there is definitely some crazy action going on!  I had the strep-B test done this week and found out that I'm a whopping 1cm dilated.
  • Best Moment of the week: Amelia saying "baby Fee-Door" and how sweet she is to my belly!  Last night, we had a picnic in the living room and I was laying on the floor to be more comfortable.  She kept lifting up my shirt to give Theo bites of her bacon and tipping her milk cup to my belly button to share her milk with him.  Not to mention all the kisses, raspberries and high-fives she gives him every day.  I really hope she does this well with him once he is Earth side!!!
  • Feeling: Anxious to meet Theo! Starting to get nervous about labor and how Amelia is going to adjust.  She is starting to get home sick and saying "I go home!" when she sleeps anywhere but home.  I am most worried about how she will do for Nana/Grandpa while we are in the hospital and if that will affect our length of stay.
  • What I’m excited about/looking forward to: Doctors appointments are weekly now!  Which means cervical checks AND hearing Theo's heartbeat every week!  Grandma Jamie will be in town tomorrow to go to her first "baby appointment" with me!  Amelia is having a sleepover at Mimi/Papa's house on Saturday while Brandon and I head to Lincoln for a birthday party.  Although going to bars at 9 months pregnant isn't exactly "normal,'" I am so excited to spend some alone time with Brandon and talk with other adults!!!!