Every day brings something new and exciting. As much as I miss snuggling a fresh newborn, this stage is just so much FUN!!!
Likes/Dislikes: Amelia LOVES her kitchen, playing with her babies and her "people" (any small doll/house), coloring with mama, "working out" in the basement with daddy and driving any vehicle we will let her (grandpa is known for letting her press all the buttons and honk the horn in his car!). She is the BEST big sister we could have ever hoped for and is an amazing helper. GG got her a mini cleaning set for Christmas which remains one of her favorite gifts and she is always willing to help mama sweep and dust. Cooking has become more of a spectacle now that Amelia always wants to help and "stir, stir, stir" whatever she can get her hands on. She also loves to be outside, run fast in circles and jump on her bed or trampoline. We have finally moved past the Mickey Mouse stage and she has now moved on to Super Why!, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood and Thomas the Train. Thank you, PBS, for having great programming that doesn't drive me up the wall!
As with most two year old's, Amelia is NOT a fan of being told "no." She knows how to the work system to get what she wants (pretty please and a hug pretty much work every time!) and has been known to throw some pretty epic tantrums. Just like her daddy, she is one stubborn little kid. Although she loves showers and baths, she still hates washing her hair and will NOT take a bath/shower anywhere but home. It doesn't matter if I am there or not, she will totally melt down. Bedtime still isn't her favorite as she would much rather play all night, but she does great for naps. We continue to cut Amelia's bangs even though I don't want to because she refuses to keep anything in her hair. All those pretty bows she has just sit in her closet. She is such a silly little lady!
Eating Habits: Amelia is not the garbage disposal she once was. She is NOT a fan of breakfast foods outside of bacon (unless she is with grandparents) and usually has pretzels and milk each morning. If you give her dippy, she will try just about any meat. Chicken, steak and bacon remain her favorites. Broccoli, green beans, peas and spinach with dressing are still the easiest to get Amelia to eat for veggies, but she is coming around to raw carrots and celery. The only way she will eat a potato is in the french fry form. Fruit is always a hit (except banana's) and I still can't figure out her favorite as she will eat whatever I put in front of her. Other favorites include: Ramen Noodles, pretzels and hummus, chicken nuggets, pizza, lasagna, olives, the cream of an Oreo, and cheese sticks.
Sleeping Habits: Amelia still loves her big girl mattress on the floor in her room. She adores her Minnie Mouse bedding that daddy got her for Christmas and cannot sleep without her blankets and at least one toy. The best news, we got rid of her bopper (pacifier) and she has FINALLY started sleeping more. That being said, no matter how hard we try, we can't get this busy body to bed before 10pm. It doesn't seem to matter if we start at 8:30 or 9:30, the little stinker lays in bed and sings to her babies, hollers for mama, asks to go potty/needs a drink/get tucked back in/needs hugs and kisses... She is a master procrastinator of bedtime and a night owl just like her Grandpa. She usually wakes up one to two times a night and is up for the day around 8am. We are down to just one nap a day, usually around 1pm but that all depends on our schedule for the day.
Development: Amelia is almost all the way potty trained. We had a great start before Theo arrived... only to have major regression afterwards. She still struggles to poop on the toilet, but has had several accident free days recently (including nap and bed time!). Clothes in 2T fit her best as most 24 month are too small/tight/short. She knows most of her ABCs, numbers, and colors (minus a few in each category), can sing several songs
- Ooooh my goodness!
- I run fast in circles.
- Come here, I show you sumtin (something).
- I get comfy-cozy. (to be tucked in)
- Mugga Mugga (for Nosey's /"ugga-mugga" on Daniel Tiger)
- I love you to the coon and back! (Coon= Cleopatra the dog)
- Fee-door (for Theodore)
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
- Ooooh Baby Kimmy/Baby Santa! (her two favorite babies)
- Juicy, Juicy, Are you?! (Where are you?)
- Daddy's workin, gettin money for my piggy bank!