Wednesday, December 30, 2015

33 weeks - Baby Koch #2

  • How far along?: 33 weeks + 4 days
  • Baby is the size of a: A Pineapple!! (according to Baby Bump app)
  • Total weight gain/loss: +21 pounds ... this last month has been INSANE and I feel like a blimp
  • Stretch Marks? The same ones... the weird white line on my side and the two small ones under my belly that I had with Amelia
  • The Bump: Feels huge! This week, little man was already measuring 34.5 weeks.
  • Symptoms: My back is aching all the time.  This may be from pregnancy or the cold that I have been fighting for a week.  Body aches all around.  Oddly, my right side pain has gone down!
  • Food cravings: Cinnamon life, chicken Ramen Noodles, Chicken Noodle Soup, all things dairy since I have to give it up in a few days
  • Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: I still don't really like just eating chicken, but nothing is making me queasy which is wonderful.
  • Sleep:With this cold, I don't feel like I sleep at all.  Amelia has been down about 10 hours a night (not sleeping through though...), so I try and get as much as I can.
  • What I miss: My body at this point. Sleeping through the night.  Not being sick.
  • Weddings Rings On or Off: On! And not tight yet!!!
  • Any Names Picked Out Yet:  Theodore Michael =D
  • Gender: Boy... All boy!  He confirmed it again at the last ultrasound!
  • Movement: I didn't think little man could be more active than Amelia, but I was wrong!  He moves frequently during the day and doesn't stop from about 8pm on.  Theo gets hiccups a ton, but they only annoy me when I am trying to sleep.
  • Maternity Clothes: Pretty much all maternity pants at this point, or regular jeans unbuttoned with the belly band.  I am trying not to live in sweats this time around.
  • Labor Signs: Nothing yet!
  • Best Moment of the week:  Seeing Theo on the ultrasound (32.5 weeks) and hearing his heartbeat on Tuesday (33 weeks)
  • Feeling: Large... I am definitely more uncomfortable this time around.  Not sure if it is because I am not as active from not working, carrying a bigger baby or being sick.... but I am already to the "done" point and it's not near close to time for that!
  • What I’m excited about/looking forward to: My next doctors appointment marks the last 2 week checkup and on to WEEKLY checkups.  How is that possible?!  Only 46 days until our due date!  New Years Eve is tomorrow and I am so looking forward to what 2016 has to offer us and our family!  Also.... if we could all get rid of this cold, that would be lovely!

Sunday, November 29, 2015

29 weeks - Baby Koch #2

  • How far along?: 29 weeks... hello Third Trimester =D
  • Baby is the size of a: Butternut Squash (according to Baby Bump app)
  • Total weight gain/loss: +10 pounds... probably more after all this Thanksgiving food!
  • Stretch Marks? Still just the one small, white one on my side and possibly one under my belly that came and disappeared with Amelia
  • The Bump: large and in charge!
  • Symptoms: right side ache/pain is pretty consistent and general feelings of discomfort.  Headaches once a week.
  • Food cravings: All the Thanksgiving food!!!
  • Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: I can only take chicken in small quantities before it grosses me out
  • Sleep: About 8 hours since Amelia has been staying up later and later... and using the bathroom about twice a night depending on how much I drink after 8pm
  • What I miss: my sleep! and  not having the annoying right side ache
  • Weddings Rings On or Off: Definitely on
  • Any Names Picked Out Yet:  Picked out =D I don't see Brandon changing his mind
  • Gender: Male!
  • Movement: ALL the time!  It's crazy to watch my belly move when laying down.  He mostly sticks to my right side, just like Amelia... but I definitely feel him on my left about once a day.
  • Maternity Clothes: Maternity leggings and sweats have been my life lately with having FIVE Thanksgivings in 4 days!
  • Labor Signs: Nothing, thank goodness!
  • Best Moment of the week:  All the yummy food and family time!!! Thanksgiving food is my FAVORITE and I have no problem eating it all day for a week.
  • Feeling: FULL!!! So full!
  • What I’m excited about/looking forward to: Doctors appointments every 2 weeks now!  Love my OB and listening to little man's heartbeat!  Hopefully a cookie bake with great grandma N next weekend.  We are taking Amelia to the Polar Express in Lincoln in two weeks to see Santa and his elves.  She is going to have such a good time; I already know it!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

24 Weeks - Baby Koch #2

  • How far along?: 24 weeks, 3 days
  • Baby is the size of a: an eggplant! (according to Ovia pregnancy app)
  • Total weight gain/loss: +5 pounds I think?  It was +3 at my last doctors appoint a week ago
  • Stretch Marks? One small, white one on my side?  Not sure if I never noticed it before, or if this babe is going to wreck havoc.
  • The Bump: Fully formed and low!  This lil man needs to move up already!
  • Symptoms: Headaches only about once a week.  HORRAY! Lots of baby movement and pregnancy pee during the night.
  • Food cravings: Caramel apples and anything else sweet
  • Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: I still don't "crave" chicken, but I can eat it.
  • Sleep: Between Amelia getting her pacifier taken away and frequent nighttime bathroom breaks, I think I am only getting 8 hours now.
  • What I miss: Sleeping through the night!  But... it's been almost 2 years since that was a thing.
  • Weddings Rings On or Off: Definitely on
  • Any Names Picked Out Yet:  Narrowing it down! We have one favorite, but I am still not sold.
  • Gender: BLUE baby BOY!
  • Movement: Tons and tons!  This little man is constantly on the go.  I can feel him kicking my hand best when I am laying down, but occasionally sitting as well.  Grandma Jamie even got to feel him kick over the weekend (Amelia would never cooperate and she missed out!).
  • Maternity Clothes: My bigger jeans, the hair-tie trick and a few maternity pants.  Shirts still fit perfectly thankfully!
  • Labor Signs: Maybe a few Braxton Hicks?  But I never had anything with Amelia so I am doubting it's really that.
  • Best Moment of the week:  Getting to spend the weekend with my mom, having her feel little man kick, and getting to "sleep through the night" minus bathroom breaks!
  • Feeling: Excited!  The more he moves, the more I can't wait to meet him!
  • What I’m excited about/looking forward to: Halloween this weekend and taking Amelia Trick-or-Treating for the first time!  Growth Ultrasound next Wednesday to check on lil man due to placenta issues.  Daddy has a four day weekend which will be amazing!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

21 weeks - Baby Koch #2

Gender Reveal Party for Family and Friends
  • How far along?: 21 weeks
  • Baby is the size of a: Bok Choy (according to Ovia pregnancy app)
  • Total weight gain/loss: +2 pounds I think?  I haven't weighed myself lately
  • Stretch Marks? No more... No, please no!
  • The Bump: I feel like this week the bump came out.  This baby is SO low, so things are already starting to fit awkward.
  • Symptoms: Headaches are down to about twice a week, which is much more manageable!  And the pregnancy peeing has been in full swing lately.
  • Food cravings: Peanut butter and chocolate Rice Krispie bars and Dr. Pepper (but I haven't caved yet!)
  • Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Chicken is tolerable at this point, thank goodness.  I would much rather have any form of beef though!
  • Sleep: Still about 9 hours, off and on, between Amelia waking up and going to the bathroom.
  • What I miss: Not going to the bathroom all the darn time (ALREADY!) and my clothes fitting normally.
  • Weddings Rings On or Off: Definitely on
  • Any Names Picked Out Yet:  Narrowing it down!
  • Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!!!! BLUE <3
  • Movement: This little man is ACTIVE!  He is constantly flip flopping in my belly.  I can even feel him kicking on the outside when I lay down in bed at night.  It's wonderful!!!!
  • Maternity Clothes: My jeans are on the hair tie trick already... and I think I would much rather be in maternity jeans full time, but I'm delaying.
  • Labor Signs: Still too early!
  • Best Moment of the week:  Sharing with our family and friends that we are adding a little MAN to the family!!!!
  • Feeling: Happy.  Pure, undiluted happiness!
  • What I’m excited about/looking forward to: Spending time with Ashley and the boys while they are in town!  Hitting up Vala's Pumpkin Patch with the fam on Thursday.  We love fall around here!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

20 weeks - Baby Koch #2

  • How far along?: 20 weeks, 2 days
  • Baby is the size of a: Belgian endive... whatever that is! (according to Ovia pregnancy app)
  • Total weight gain/loss: +2 pounds or so
  • Stretch Marks? Still just the two small ones from Amelia.
  • The Bump: Looks like a FUPA! I still look like I ate one too many cheeseburgers.
  • Symptoms: Still having headaches, but they are down to about three times a week with the new vitamins they have me on.
  • Food cravings: Junior Swiss Mushroom Burger from Runza (but ONLY the junior!) still... and ALL the sweets!
  • Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Still not a huge fan of chicken, but I've at least been able to eat it here and there.
  • Sleep: About 9 hours a night, but waking at least twice to pee
  • What I miss: Sleeping through the night without peeing all the time!
  • Weddings Rings On or Off: Definitely on
  • Any Names Picked Out Yet:  Set on a girl name... a few narrowed down for a boy
  • Gender: We know =D Having our gender reveal party on SATURDAY!!!
  • Movement: Started feeling flutters at 18 weeks... now constant flip-flops and if I lay down during the evening, I can occasionally feel a kick or two!
  • Maternity Clothes: Still in my pre-pregnancy stuff... but I did break out one pair of maternity pants because they are so comfy!
  • Labor Signs: Still waaaaay too early for that!
  • Best Moment of the week:  Finding out the gender of Baby 2 AND getting to feel a kick or two on the outside!!!
  • Feeling: SUPER excited for the reveal party on Saturday and for friends and family to share in our joy!
  • What I’m excited about/looking forward to: Obviously, the party on Saturday.  Heading to the Pumpkin Patch with Amelia to enjoy the beautiful weather.  Ashley and the boys coming home for THREE weeks... and they are coming home in time to make the party!!!! SO much fun planned in the coming weeks!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

17 weeks - Baby Koch #2

  • How far along?: 17 weeks + 3 days
  • Baby is the size of a: tangy pomegranate (according to Ovia pregnancy app)
  • Total weight gain/loss:  Still down 2 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight! I'll take it!
  • Stretch Marks? No new ones yet, just the two small ones from Amelia.
  • The Bump: Still tiny... not enough to be noticeable unless I'm in something very tight or sitting down.
  • Symptoms: Headaches, headaches and MORE headaches.  Those can go away at any time!
  • Food cravings: Junior Swiss Mushroom Burger from Runza (but ONLY the junior!), sweet tea (but I haven't been giving in!) and spaghetti-O's
  • Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Still can't stand the thought/smell/taste of chicken. Gag me city.
  • Sleep: Still trying to get 9 hours a night, but waking at least 1-2 times to pee
  • What I miss: Sleeping through the night
  • Weddings Rings On or Off: Definitelyon
  • Any Names Picked Out Yet:  I am set on a girl name... nothing for a boy
  • Gender: We find out on September 22nd! Have the gender reveal party on October 3rd!!!
  • Movement: Still nothing other than gas bubbles and round ligament pain =(
  • Maternity Clothes: Still in all my pre-pregnancy stuff... but I can't wait for stretchy pants!
  • Labor Signs: Waaaaay too early for that!
  • Best Moment of the week:  Coming back from vacation to see little miss Amelia!
  • Feeling: tired of headaches ALL the time
  • What I’m excited about/looking forward to: Finding out the gender of this baby! NFL football starting tomorrow!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

All About Amelia - 18 months

Every day is better than the last.  I didn't think it was possible, but she proves me wrong every day!  Babies are usually my jam and there are some days that I am not sure what to do with my sassy little one year old.  Thankfully, Amelia is pretty easy to figure out and doesn't judge me too harshly when I get it wrong.  HA!


25 lbs and 31.89"

Sleeping Habits: There were a few months that were insane with teething which meant little sleep and frequent nursing!  Amelia now has four top and four bottom teeth, as well as three molars.  She is officially down to one nap a day after a few weeks of struggling to figure out a new schedule that works for her.  Currently, she goes down around 9pm and only wakes up fussing once (if at all!).  Our days usually begin around 8am and we spent the next hour snuggling in bed watching 'toons.  It has become my very favorite part of the day! Nap time usually happens anywhere from 11am-2pm and she usually sleeps for two hours.  This routine is working out well and allows us more time for activities.

Development: Once Amelia turned a year, she was done with crawling.  She is has figured out running, walking on her tip toes, spinning in circles, squats and dancing whenever the mood strikes!  It is the funniest thing to witness Amelia getting caught up in the music.  She will literally stop whatever it is she is doing and bust a move.  I love it!
We are still working on using a fork and she seems to have the best luck "stabbing" while using adult silverware (possibly because it's heavier?).  In other exciting news.... Amelia is officially done with nursing.  Our last nursing session was on July 3rd before a sleepover at Nana and Grandpa's.  When we picked her up the following day, she had no interest and I dried up by Monday morning!

New Words: "No", "Hot Dog", "Hi", "Buh-Bye", "Move," "Coon" (for Cleopatra), "Ou-shide" (outside), "Ah-Me" (Amelia), Animal sounds (cow, duck, monkey, tiger/lion, dog, cat, sheep), "Cookie", "Snack", "Juice", "Baby", "Boat", She is also getting great at repeating names whenever we ask her!

Places Amelia Traveled: We have done a TON this summer!!!  We took two major trips.  The first was to Sunny San Diego!  We spent six days at my brother's and it was heavenly!  Amelia loved playing with her cousins and spending a majority of our time outdoors and at the beach!  She did better on the flights than I expected and loved walking around the airport.
Our second big trip was with the whole Koch family to the Lake of the Ozarks.  We drove down with uncle Matt, Steph, Mimi and Papa and we met Aunt Ashley, Tyler and the boys there.  The cabins we shared for five days opened up together and allowed us tons of family time!  Amelia was not a fan of the lake at first (especially while wearing her swim vest!) but finally warmed up by the end of the trip.  Her favorite parts were getting to be outside a ton and riding in Papa's boat!
We have made a few trips up to Norfolk and West Point to visit Grandma/Grandpa M. and great grandma and grandpa. Amelia has also had a few overnights with all of her grandparents so mommy and daddy can have date nights!

Special Events or Holidays: We packed Easter weekend full of family and managed to see all three sets of grandparents.  Amelia LOVED hunting for eggs and cracking them open to discover her goodies.  She enjoyed it so much that Grandpa/Nana kept a basket out and keep the eggs filled with treats for when Amelia visits!  We also got to spend time with whole Koch side!  Ashley, Tyler, Levi, Noah and baby Benjamin made a trip home in March so we could meet the newest lil man and celbrate his baptism.  Mathew and Steph also made it back home as they are the godparents and Steph was on Spring Break. It was SO wonderful to have everyone home together.  We even managed to squeeze in some family photos too!
Uncle Josh and Aunt Lisa got married the end of May.  Amelia had a blast dancing up a storm and couldn't sit still for long!  We also had a wedding to attend on the 4th of July which was fun and had great views of fireworks!
For daddy's birthday, Amelia got to spend her first day at the golf course!  She lasted the full 9 holes and LOVED driving the golf cart.  She also loved chasing the balls on the green, but daddy and papa were not a fan of that!  Later that week, grandpa Keith got her two of her very own clubs!

Likes: BEING OUTSIDE! Holy cow, this girl would be outside all day, every day.  Doesn't matter if it's rain or shine, Amelia loves the outdoors!  Lately, Amelia has really bonded with Leonidas.  He lets her lay on him, ride his back, pull on his chops, "pet" (aka smack) him, feed him his food one bite at time... Yup, girls best friend.  She still prefers Cleopatra (I think because she is smaller), but Cleo wants nothing to do with her and runs away at every chance.  Other favorites include: her bopper (she knows she gets it to sleep and in the car and will NOT stop asking for it until she has one!) baby dolls, feeding her babies, snacks of any kind, eating crayons (we're trying to color!), her farm and animals, her vacuum (which daddy and I HATE!) and her purse or backpack full of goodies!

Dislikes: I cannot get Amelia to eat eggs or quinoa for the life of me.  Other people have had success, but she always spits it out when I feed her them.  She is starting to dislike getting her diaper changed; and I'm still hoping easy to potty train in September(fingers crossed!).  This little lady is fiercely independent and has NO fear.  She does not like me to help with her things she thinks she can do on her own.  And if I don't get how she wants me to do something just perfectly, watch out for the meltdown!  Something tells me she gets this from her father!

Parents Update: We decided on a whim at the beginning of summer to update and landscape our backyard and finally rip out the basement for remodel.  This meant Brandon got to spend more time at home with us and we didn't complain one bit!  It was nice to share our coffee together in the morning, have someone watch Amelia while I showered in peace and eat three meals a day as a family.  His schedule picked back up again, so life went back to "normal."  I am still home full-time with little miss and we are enjoying the last of the summer weather... but we cannot WAIT for fall!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

All About Amelia - ONE YEAR!!!

I have a ONE year old.  I can't even call her baby anymore; this little lady is officially a toddler.  A walking, talking, crazy toddler.  Every day brings something new and exciting.  As much as I miss snuggling a fresh newborn, this stage is just so much FUN!!!


First Birthday Family Photo
21 Pounds and 28.23 Inches

Sleeping Habits: This month has been the best (in terms of sleep) since Amelia was about 2 months old!  She is going down between 8:00-8:30pm and doesn't wake up again to eat until 5:30-6:30am!  She goes back down again until 8:00-9:00am.  Sleep is SO wonderful for this mama!!! She still takes two naps a day, but they vary in times and length.

Eating Habits: Three solid meals a day, plus snacks, and breastfeeding about 4 times a day.  I have noticed that Amelia has become more picky this month.  I'm sure she will continue down this path as we head into toddlerhood, but I am hopeful that with the vast array of food I have introduced, she will still have a diverse palate.

Unseasonably warm weather in February, Park date with Grandpa Keith

New Foods Amelia Tried: I love finding new things for her to try!  This month included: a sucker, kiwi, cake whipped cream, oatmeal, lettuce (NOT a fan!), almond milk, cheeseburgers and a variety of dips thanks to dad!

If you couldn't tell by her face, she was a big fan of the sucker!

New Discoveries/Developments/Accomplishments: Someone started WALKING this month!  We can't keep her contained in a small area anymore and she is busy exploring all of her house.  She isn't to the point where she can stand from a seated position yet (must "climb" up something to stand), but I don't think this will last for long.  Currently, she "drunk" walks and only takes small steps for short distances.  This month she also started "swimming" and splashing in the bathtub which is adorable to witness.  She flips over on tummy and scoots along the tub and grabs all her toys.  A few other first: opening and closing drawers (that's REAL fun in mommy's kitchen!) and her first finger painting for Valentine's Day cards and Grandpa's birthday!

First Finger Paintings

Places Amelia Traveled: We didn't have any overnights this month, just a few day trips here and there around town.  Our first family date night with the Fandl's in Lincoln was a huge hit and Amelia LOVED the Habatchi grill.  Of course we still frequent Chic-Fil-A and all of the grandparents houses.  Tuesday play group has started happening on a consistent basis which helps mama's sanity and Amelia is loving all her new friends!

"Swimming" in the Tub

Special Events or Holidays: First Valentine's Day!  So much fun matching my mini! First BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!

Matching Mama and Amelia

New Friends: Our playgroup always seems to involve new friends and it's so much fun to witness all the different personalities!

First Birthday Dinner at El' Bee's with Mimi, Papa, Nana, Grandpa, Dad and Mom

New Baby Babble: Just like last month, Amelia still babbles ALL the time.  Amelia doesn't have any new words this month, but she did start squealing when she gets excited and it's just about the cutest thing ever!

Unsure about her cake at her First Birthday Party

Likes/Dislikes: Snuggling and rocking with mama for nap time again, which is HEAVEN I might add!!!  Guacamole and fruit still remain her favorites and she was NOT a fan of lettuce at all.  Amelia also got to play in the snow for the first time since it snowed a lot the first part of February.  Needless to say, she hated it and wanted back inside immediately.  I don't think it was the snow as much as it was she hates having her head and hands covered.  And she looked like the kid from A Christmas Story all bundled up!

Yup, not liking this snow business!

Parents Update:  Brandon still remains busy with work and wasn't able to spend as much time with us as we have become used to.  Amelia treasures their playtime together at night. The BEST news from this month was I am finally able to stay home again with Amelia full-time!  My last day was February 3rd and I am so grateful for this time with her again.  It was nice being back among grownups for a while, but as I said last month, my heart is home with little miss.  I am still open to the possibility of finding something part-time or full-time, but Brandon is insistent that I find something I truly love to return to the workforce.  In the meantime, Amelia and I are going to pack as much fun and playdates in as we can!  Our baby girl is the best ever and I wouldn't trade our time together for the world!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Amelia's Birth Story

I am not quite sure why it has taken me so long to get Amelia's birth story written, yet here I am one year to the day later, finally telling her story.  This is gonna be a long one, so settle in and here we go!

If you couldn't tell by my last letter to Amelia, I was pretty convinced I would go over my due date and she would never come out and play.  Throughout my pregnancy, I never experienced Braxton Hick's or anything remotely resembling labor (not even during my hospital stay after the car accident when the monitor clearly showed me contracting!) so I wasn't prepared at all for what to expect the pain to feel like.  I clearly remember being OVER the pregnancy and uncomfortable to boot.

Saturday, February 22nd- My sister-in-law, Ashley, and her boys were in town for the week to celebrate her youngest, Noah's, first birthday.  Being under-prepared as always (just during pregnancy, usually I'm on the ball!),  Saturday rolled around and we still hadn't purchased Noah's gift for his party that evening.  Since becoming pregnant, we usually started our weekends off pretty lazy with me sleeping in and Brandon messing around on the computer for a while; this Saturday was no different.  I finally rolled out of bed around 11, still exhausted, and decided to jump in the shower and start the day. After I finished, I threw on my robe and headed to the couch (again, pregnancy exhaustion).

I remember sitting down and feeling some fluid leak on to my robe and I honestly thought I had wet myself a bit.  Totally crazy as I had just gone to the bathroom and hadn't experienced anything like this during the previous 9 months, but hey, the end was near and I probably peed my pants.  I text Ashley around 11:30am asking her if anything like this has happened to her and she assured me that it was completely normal.  After heading to the bathroom again, doing the pregnancy wiggle to empty my bladder completely, I threw on some clean clothes and headed to the basement to see when Brandon wanted to leave for the store.

Once in the basement, I had just sat down when I felt a bit of fluid leak again.  More than a little annoyed with my stupid bladder, I headed back upstairs and decided maybe I should call the doctor to see if this really was normal.  I dialed the on-call nurse line around 12:00pm and she encouraged me to put on a pad, walk around for 2 hours and call her back if I experienced any more leaking.  She explained that this was all normal and to relax.  In the movies, when the pregnant chicks water breaks, there's a gush of fluid everywhere and she knows what it is.  It never crossed my mind that I had a "slow leak" and was in the beginning stages of labor.

I did as the nurse instructed and messed around the house, did a few loads of laundry and started getting antsy that we would be late for Noah's party.  Around 1:30pm, with no more signs fluid leaks, I suggested Brandon and I head in to town to shop for the birthday boy.  It was a quick drive to the store and I still hadn't said anything to the hubs about my pants wetting episodes.  Stepping out of the car, I felt another gush of fluid in my nether regions and fessed up to Brandon about what was happening.  He also assured me that I was probably peeing myself and everything was fine, but I decided to call the nurse line again with these updates.

After a brief conversation, the nurse advised me to come in to be checked for amniotic fluid leakage.  She didn't make it sound like a big deal but it meant we would miss most of Noah's party.  We headed to the birthday party to drop off our gift and on the way, I made Brandon drive through Arby's as I was starving and knew we would miss the food at dinner.  Brandon isn't a huge Arby's fan, so he held out until we got to Louisville and stopped at Subway.

We finally made it to Brandon's parents house for the party around 3:00pm.  I dreaded telling his family that we had to leave because I may or may not be peeing my pants as a grown woman.  Brandon and I were more than a little bummed that we wouldn't get to hang around and play with our nephews, but his sister was completely understanding and hopeful that I was in labor.  Mike, Brandon's dad, convinced us (Okay, convinced Brandon. Let's face it, I was pretty sure this wasn't pee by this point!) that we needed to take this seriously and head home to grab our hospital stuff just in case.  By the time we went home, grabbed our stuff, let the dogs out and made it to the hospital, it was already 5:00pm.

Although he didn't say it, I know Brandon really thought I was peeing my pants because he didn't bring any of our stuff inside with us except his iPad.  The hospital was quiet and we were lead right back into a birthing room.  The nurse explained that we wouldn't get checked in until they were sure I was in active labor and instructed me to put on a gown.  I hadn't felt any more fluid leakage since 2:00pm and was starting to lose hope that it was amniotic fluid and not urine.  As soon as I laid on the bed, another huge gush of fluid (the biggest yet!) came and the nurse knew immediately that my water had in fact broke!  It was a completely validating and I loved telling Brandon, "See!  I didn't wet myself!  Go get our stuff!"

Because I didn't know exactly how long I had been leaking and I was only dilated 3cm, they put me on Petocin and had me start walking the halls.  I am terrified of needles, but I don't remember getting the IV and I didn't pass out from it, which is a huge plus.  Looking back, I was totally under-prepared in the shoe department (mental note for next time!).  Poor Brandon had on uncomfortable dress shoes and I just had slippers.  I still give him grief because he made his discomfort known to everyone (he didn't want to walk with me!) when I was the one about to give birth!

My contractions weren't strong, long or causing me discomfort, so the nurses upped my Petocin pretty frequently.  Being completely naive, I thought they would continue being a piece of cake and didn't know what all the fuss was about.  We walked miles around the hospital, or so it felt like, before the waves of massive pain hit me.  I remember it was almost 10pm when I literally couldn't take it anymore.  I felt like I was being stabbed in the gut, over and over, and I couldn't breathe.  At my last check, I was only at 4cm and couldn't possibly see how I would make it to 10cm.  When the next contraction hit, I crumpled in a ball on the floor (not an exaggeration) and begged for my epidural.  Yup... I was that lady.  Drugs, gimme all the drugs!  Thank you modern medicine!

Brandon found the nurse (I think?) and she called the anesthesiologist.  He finally made it in the room about 11pm... Seriously, the longest hour of my life!  I don't remember much about the procedure other than him insisting I be still every time a contraction hit and wanting to turn around and throat punch him.  He finally got the line placed, except it didn't take...  I could still feel everything!  What the crap?!  In the classes, they never said anything about an epidural NOT taking and I was panicking

Sunday, February 23- Thankfully, after a second attempt, the line was placed correctly and they started my drip.  I don't remember exactly how everything came about, but I could still feel my contractions and move my legs, so they ended up calling the anesthesiologist back shortly after midnight.  Over the course of the next hour, he upped the dosage on my epidural until I couldn't feel the contractions anymore but never fully lost feeling in my legs.  It was explained that I metabolize whatever medications they use faster than average but I didn't pay much attention as the relief from the contractions was like heaven.  By this point, it was after 1:00 am and I was exhausted.  In the back of my mind, I was super excited that Amelia held off and would be born on 2-23, our 6 month wedding anniversary!  Yup, I'm also one of those ladies who got pregnant out of wedlock!

By 2:00 am, I was dilated to 9.5 cm and the nurse explained it would probably be time to push soon.  Apparently there was the smallest piece of my cervix still covering and she couldn't get it to move, so she called in another nurse to assist her.  Did I mention that I had the greatest bunch of nurses ever?!  I seriously cannot imagine how my birthing process would have gone without them.  Kuddo's to those ladies for putting this first time mom at ease!  Anyways, this "miracle" nurse came in was able to get me to a full 10 cm and instructed me to do a practice push on my next contraction.   My first attempt at "pushing" was comical at best (this is also normal? yes?) and the miracle nurse literally had to SHOW me (complete with grunting and red face) how to push correctly.  See what I mean?  I had amazing nurses!

They aren't kidding when they say your body knows when it is time to push.  Everything clicked after that first practice push, and with my next contraction, there was so much pressure down below that I thought Amelia was just going to fall out!  One more push after that and I was instructed to STOP and they had to call my doctor as Amelia's head was right there!  This was at 2:30 am and I think about 5 minutes passed before I told the nurses that I literally could not stop from pushing again.  Both nurses agreed that it was okay to push a little to keep her head in position but not to give it my all.  How do you tell a woman in active labor NOT to push?  Somehow, I managed and my doctor was there by 2:45am.

When I say she came in like a warm summer breeze, I'm not joking.  She was all smiles and light humor and catching up with the nurses on the nights events.  I was literally in shock by her nonchalant demeanor as she put on her gear and it felt like I was watching this all happen from above.  Mid-sentence, she claps her hands and said "it's go time!"  Brandon's response was "Seriously?" And I think she relied "Yup, it's not like in the movies!" while laughing.  Also... I had the best doctor ever!

With the next contraction she told me to push with all I've got as I would get to meet our baby soon!  I pushed and all I remember is my doctor shouting "STOP PUSHING!" as Amelia's arm popped out from below.  Yes... my crazy daughter had to throw us for a loop and try to come out arm first.  As I panicked internally, the doctor managed to do some fancy handwork and got Amelia positioned to come out correctly all in a matter of a minute!  I was told to push again with the next contraction... and Amelia Grace Koch was born at 2:57 am on February 23, 2014.  Her warm, squishy body was placed immediately on my chest and it was wonder, awe, amazement and pure joy all wrapped into one!

I'm not sure how long she had skin-to-skin contact before the nurses took her away to wipe her down and get her measurements.  I think I barked at Brandon to grab the camera because we actually have pictures of this happening!  She weighed 7 lbs 9 oz and was 20 inches long.  I also remember asking if she had 10 fingers and 10 toes because that's what they do in the movies and I thought the doctor would just tell me that.  Amelia was perfect, healthy and very alert.

I'll be honest when I say I had no set birth plan.  I knew I wanted drugs and I knew I wanted my baby, however that would happen was in God's hands.  There isn't a single thing that I would change about how that day played out or how Amelia entered this crazy world.  Looking back a year later, my life really began when hers did!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Baby A Letter: February 17, 2014

Friday, January 23, 2015

All About Amelia - 11 months

Holy moly... this is my LAST monthly update!!!  This time next month, we will have a ONE YEAR OLD!  Where has the time gone?  It feels like we just brought Amelia home from the hospital yesterday.  I can honestly say this has been the BEST,  yet toughest, year of my life.  Life really does pass by in the blink of an eye, but thank heaven for little girls!


Roughly 22 lbs and 29 inches

Sleeping Habits: Hallelujah!!! AMELIA IS SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!!! You guys... it has been absolutely phenomenal getting 8 hours of sleep in a row again.  I feel like a new woman, a better parent and wife!  It's amazing what consecutive hours of sleep will do for ya.  Bedtime routine has stayed the same and Amelia is usually down for 11 hours before her morning feed.  Occasionally she will go back to sleep for another hour which is even more awesome!  We still (usually) get two naps a day from her but they always vary in length.

Passed out at Grandpa and Grandma Masilko's

Eating Habits: Three solid meals a day, plus snacks, and breastfeeding about 4 times a day, depending on mama's work schedule.  Amelia especially loves fruit, olives, veggie straws and water!

Loving food at the Neuvirth's

New Foods Amelia Tried: We are still having fun incorporating dairy into our diets!  This month, Amelia and I enjoyed quiche, cheesecake, Masilko veggie dip, mac n' cheese, taco soup and chilli with cheese.  She also tried bacon and pork and dumplings which were HUGE hits!  Introducing new foods is so much fun!

Yup... loving dairy!

New Discoveries/Developments/Accomplishments: Amelia cut her top left tooth on Christmas Eve which helps explain her crankiness.  She has mastered waving bye-bye and clapping when she excited or playing patty-cake.  Her feet have also become quite an obsession which is funny because she never really paid attention to them when she was younger.  In other HUGE news, Amelia took her first solo steps on 1-6-15.  It was a series of about 6 steps to reach mama, but every day she gets a little more adventurous and I will be surprised if she isn't fully walking by her first birthday!

Someone's getting BIG

Places Amelia Traveled: We were super busy this month with the Holiday's!  We had Christmas Eve at GG's for the Koch's and Great Aunt Cheri's for the Engelmann's.  Christmas day we spent the morning at home, afternoon at Mimi and Papa's and evening at Grandpa and Grandma E's. We also had the opportunity to spend a few days/nights at Mater Filius, which we really enjoyed.  A road trip to West Point was also involved for our celebration with Amelia's Great Grandpa and Grandma Neuvirth.  She LOVED getting spoiled by them and eating at her Great Grandma N's home cooking!  The weather was also phenomenal this month and we headed to the zoo and Chic-Fil-A for a play date!

 Fascinated with the aquarium at the zoo

Playing in Norfolk

Special Events or Holidays: First Christmas and New Years!  Christmas details above... New Years Eve we spent with Brandon's cousins and friends and Amelia had a sleepover at Grandpa and Grandma Englmann's house!  Amelia actually got to have sleepovers at ALL her grandparents houses this month!  One over night on a Saturday at Mimi and Papa's and one over night with her Masilko cousin's in Norfolk at Grandma and Grandpa Masilko's.  She is so well loved!

Getting good at opening presents

New Friends: We had a few MOPS meetings this month where Amelia made new friends.  She also enjoyed playing with little Zion during our stay at Mater Filius.  Our zoo play date was with Wilder and Isla and Chic-Fil-A was with Harper!  She also got to play with her Masilko cousin's towards the end of December.  So many friends, so little time!

Play date "hugs"

New Baby Babble: "Hey-oh" for hello, "ba-bah" for bye-bye, "utt" for uh-oh.  Amelia is getting SO great at imitating everyone.  She also loves waving bye-bye and is attempting to blow kisses while face timing family.  My favorite thing she picked up on this month is holding her hand up to her ear like a phone while we are using our phones.  It is ADORABLE!

Big brown eyes babbling away on her phone

Likes/Dislikes: Thankfully, Amelia is back to loving her bath again!  So glad the unhappiness while bathing was just a phase and we have our happy baby back!  We also made the switch to a convertible car seat this month and Amelia loves being more upright in the car!  Grandpa Keith is still watching Amelia 3 days a week while I work and she absolutely loves her time with him.  Most evenings when I pick her up, she hardly cares I am there!

Bath Time reading

Parents Update:  Brandon schedule is staying pretty busy and consistent, but he was able to take off early a few days to spend more time with Amelia and give my dad a break.  They always have the best adventures together and I love watching their relationship grow!  I am still busy working 3-4 days a week until the new gal officially takes the reins in March.  We still aren't sure where we will be financially at the end of all this (tax season and all) and don't know if I need to find something permanent part or full time.  Only time will tell, but we all know my heart lies at home with my baby girl!  In other news, with grandparents so willing to spend time with Amelia, Brandon and I have been taking full advantage and getting together with friends or having date nights as much as possible.  It's so awesome to fall in love with your best friend!!!  My love for that man gets deeper every single day, especially since he has become a father.  I sincerely hope this continues for infinity!

 Snuggles with Daddy

Zoo day with mama