Friday, October 24, 2014

Easy Egg Muffins

Most of you know I am a stay at home mom.  In my "past life," I was the Director of Sales for Skilled Nursing at a local continuum of care facility.  Old people are my jam and I loved serving and helping a vulnerable population!  When I left my position to stay home full time with Amelia, my work was pretty upset.  They asked me to stay employed as a consultant and fill in when things got crazy or they needed an extra set of hands.
Why am I telling you all this?  Because on Monday, my work called and asked me to come in for a few days this week and next... and who am I to turn down some extra money before the Holidays?!

I am extremely fortunate that my father is "semi-retired" and able to watch Amelia pretty much at a moments notice.  My mother-in-law is a hair stylist and sets her own schedule, so she is also very flexible given a few days notice and willing clients to rearrange their appointments.  With child care all arranged, this mama was headed back to the workforce for a few days!

Enter... My super easy Egg Muffins!  These were my go-to while pregnant and make for a healthy breakfast option on the go!  The best part is, these are completely customizable to your taste and dairy-free diets like mine!  I totally forgot about this recipe until this week and did a major forehead slap for not making these more often now that I am home!

Main Ingredients:
Eggs (I use 9 whole eggs to make 12 muffins. You can also do just egg whites if that's your thing.)
Milk (dairy, soy, almond... mine were made with almond)
Cooking spray (or butter, coconut oil, whatever you use to grease a pan!)

Optional Ingredients:
Meat (bacon, ham, turkey sausage, hamburger, steak, chicken, ANYTHING!)
Peppers (green, yellow, red, orange)
Olives (YUCK! But to each their own)
       ***Ingredients in italics are what I used in my Egg Muffins because they were on hand***


1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees and grease your muffin tins with oil.

2.  Beat eggs with approximately 1/4 cup milk.  Use your judgement on more/less milk based how creamy you want your eggs.

3. Pour 1/4 cup egg mixture into each muffin tin.  Your measuring cup works great for this!

4. Sprinkle ingredients into each muffin cup.  This is where you can get super creative!  Make them all the same or personalize for each person you are feeding!

5. This step isn't imperative, but I swirl the ingredients in each tin with a knife to mix them up a bit. 

6. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes (adjust based on your oven and altitude).

7. Remove from muffin tins (the oil should allow them to slide right out!) and serve!  Or let cool and refrigerate / freeze for later.


So, there ya have it!  My super easy Egg Muffin recipe!  Do you any of you have other go-to, quick breakfast ideas?  I am always looking for ways to make my life easier, especially now that I am back at work for a bit!  I would love to hear from you.

Until next time!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Pumpkin Patch Adventure

Sorry I was MIA last week... I have been dealing with a very cranky, teething baby!  Amelia got her first TWO bottom teeth in less than a week!  Needless to say, I was exhausted and had no energy to blog.

We did, however, manage to make it out of the house on Sunday for our yearly trip to the local pumpkin patch!  I don't know about where you live, but Omaha has a pretty amazing setup at Vala's Pumpkin Patch.  It is fun for the whole family and you can spend all day there and still not see everything.  This is the closest thing we have to an amusement park, which means that the whole city visits in the span of a month... It's crowded, but it is SO worth it!

We are fortunate enough to have our Vala's trip paid for by my stepmothers work!  They have their annual company picnic at a campsite on the grounds and we take full advantage of roasting hotdogs and marshmallows by the fire pit while checking out the sights!  I LOVE the smell of bonfire smoke, but hate it the second I leave.  Do any of you feel that way too?

As you can tell by the above picture, Amelia still wasn't feeling 100% for our outing.  Thankfully, we still had the Ergo we borrowed from a friend and she stayed attached to me most of the trip.  I did bring along the stroller just in case she would use it... but this is how she feels about her stroller while teething.

This picture was taken right before full-on-meltdown mode hit.  She may be cute, but this girl can throw a tantrum with the best of them!  The stroller did come in handy as it carted around all our coats (it got up to 65 degrees while we were there!), beverages, diaper bags and all our goodies we picked up along the way.

Also, Amelia is not a fan of wood chips!  She made this face the entire time that I set her down.  I suppose this face was also because I wouldn't let her eat the wood chips like she wanted.  Apparently this makes me a mean mom! =)


Taking a picture in front of this growth chart has been a tradition in my family since before I can remember!  There are pictures of me standing with my siblings and cousins as early as 1994 in front of this sign (I can't seem to find all our older family albums to see when the tradition began).  Originally, I was just going to hold Amelia because she wasn't standing on her own yet, but Grandpa (my dad) asked me to set her down and hold her fingers to make it an "authentic" growth shot.  Amelia decided that having an audience around was the perfect opportunity to stand alone for the FIRST TIME!  This mama was a nervous wreck.

I am still amazed that my dad manged to capture this huge milestone!  I was in shock that she could stand alone, unsupported by my fingers.  Amelia seemed to LOVE the freedom and attention.  This is her latest "stinker face" as her dad so affectionately named it.  She thinks she is so funny and loves to make everyone laugh when she smiles and scrunches up her nose.

Our little shorty is standing just a hair above 2 feet tall... and loves her new standing trick!  As of now, she is pulling herself up on EVERYTHING and standing with her bum supported against the wall.  Where is time going?!


I'll leave you with my favorite picture of the two of us from our Vala's Pumpkin Patch adventure!  Until next time...

Happy Fall, y'all!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Chore List

The weather here in Nebraska has been a little wonky (when is this NOT the case for the Midwest?!).  We started the week with sunny, clear blue skies and mid-70's weather, went to monsoon like rain by Wednesday and a 30 degree temperature drop and sprinkles Thursday!  Today's high is 53, but at least the rain has let up.  Talk about crazy!

Soccer Field (left) and Baseball Field (right) behind our house... completely under water

Why do I waste my time bringing up the weather?  Well... I always make it a point to check out the week's forecast on Sunday evening.  This helps me finalize our plans for the week and something way less exciting, but totally necessary... CLEANING the house.

I will admit, my house is not always spotless like some may think (who am I kidding; no one thinks my house is spotless!).  We have two HUGE dogs, a woman (ME!) going through postpartum hair-loss and an active 7 month old.  Things are almost always a mess here, but I do my best to keep up.  Weather almost always dictates when and what order I do my "chores."  If it's nice, I want something fast and easy so we can get out and enjoy the day.  Gloomy and cold days I reserve for cleaning projects that are going to take more time.

Monday is ALWAYS the same, regardless of weather.  I tackle the bathroom!

I don't know about you, but I cannot stand a messy bathroom.  We only have ONE bathroom in our house.  Yeah, one bathroom for three people.  It makes for some very interesting times when stomach bugs hit, company stops over or events where promptness is expected.  Somehow, we make it work.

Bathroom duties for me include: scrubbing the tub and shower walls, wiping clean the sink and mirror, sweeping the floor, organizing under the sink and scouring the toilet.

Early morning bathroom cleaning meant we could hit up the Henry Doorly Zoo with cousins

Tuesday and Wednesday are interchangeable.  One day is floors (quick and easy) and the other is the kitchen (quick but more demanding labor).

We have hardwood and tile floors throughout our house.  Hair collects in every nook and cranny, so a Swiffer has become my best friend!  I start in our bedroom (we have a whopping TWO bedrooms), the hall between our rooms, Amelia's room and then hit the living room.  The living room is by far the biggest space in our house, and also has a large area rug, so it takes the most time.  After I Swiffer the living room floors, I vacuum the rug and under the couch and chair.

Side Note: Amelia used to sleep through all my cleaning endeavors.  I could even vacuum in her room while she was napping.  Lately, she is terrified by the sound the vacuum and I can only do it while she is awake and being held.  If  not, she wakes up and goes in to terrified meltdown mode.

We always use the back door (closer to the detached garage) to get in to our house, so when you enter, you're in the kitchen.  Because it is the first thing people see, I usually try and keep it as clean as possible.  I am a very organized person (can you tell?) and a minimalist when it comes to what I keep on our counters.  This makes it a breeze to clean!  I usually wipe down the counters, sink, cabinets and appliances and then I wet jet the floors.  That's it!  Did I mention that the Swiffer is my best friend?  Using the wet jet function is a huge time and back saver!

Thursday is a dedicated LAUNDRY day!

Brandon, my husband, owns about 15 pairs of shorts, but only wears the same four pairs to work (even in the winter!).  By Thursday, the man is down to his last pair, and although he would wear the same dirty pair over, it just grosses me out (MEN!).

Growing up, my mother stressed the importance of washing clothes separately and her lessons stuck with me.  I sort the towels, Amelia's clothes, and our whites, darks and colors.  There is usually a small delicate pile that I wash every other week.

I don't mind folding laundry, but I detest putting clothes away.  No clue why, but I hate it.  I usually do laundry first thing in the morning and stare at the piles until nightfall when I force myself to put it away before I head to bed.  Does anyone else hate this task?

 Clean laundry... sat like that ALL day long!

Friday is dusting and straightening the bedrooms.

Fortunately, our house is extremely small, so I don't have much to dust.  Picking up the bedrooms doesn't take terribly long since laundry is done and put away from the day before.  I am awful about making our bed every day, so this is the only day our room looks nice (unless we have company over during the week)!  Friday's are always the easiest day and make for a nice start to the weekend.

Saturday and Sunday I tend to relax and enjoy family time.  If something on my list didn't get tackled during the week, I finish it on one of these days.  We are usually pretty busy on the weekends so I don't like to put off my weekly cleaning tasks (if I do, it usually doesn't get done!).

Who wouldn't rush through cleaning to play with this sweet little girl?!

I do make it a point to reserve about one weekend day during the month to DEEP clean.  My monthly deep clean includes: washing the baseboards, stripping the bed and washing sheets (plus Amelia's crib sheet) and organizing the hall closet.  In the spring and fall, I clean all the windows in the house, dust the wood blinds and scrub the inside of the refrigerator.  I also organize to my hearts content.  Yes, I can be a little OCD.

The only reason my cleaning routine works for us is because I am a stay at home mom.  I honestly have NO clue how you working mom's keep a clean house!  I have SO MUCH RESPECT for you and all that you do for your family!  Our "schedule" also works because my lovely husband tackles everything dealing with the outdoors.  I don't even know to work our lawn mower or snow blower!

What does your cleaning routine look like?  Do you have one?  Do you breakdown your chores like I do?  Clean everything once a week?  Only clean when you get the chance?  I would love to know if you have any suggestions on my routine or some tricks I don't know about to make my life easier!