Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Baby A Letter: December 24, 2013

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

All About Amelia - 10 Months


I would estimate 22 lbs and 28.5 inches

Sleeping Habits: We still aren't sure what sleep looks like around here.  Our bedtime routine is still the same and we almost always have Amelia in her crib by 8pm after story time.  Amelia was teething majorly this month and cut her first top tooth!  She started feeding twice a night again and mommy is exhausted from her constant waking throughout the night!  We usually can get two naps a day from her, but they always vary in length.

What nap time looks like at mama's work!

A very rare car seat nap

Eating Habits: Three solid meals a day, plus snacks, and breastfeeding about 5 times a day, depending on mama's work schedule.

Do I have something on my face?! 

Feed ME!!!

New Foods Amelia Tried: All things dairy have been wonderful!  Amelia now loves yogurt and Cheetos Cheese Popcorn Puffs.  She also got to try stuffing, turkey and ham for Thanksgiving, but still isn't a fan of mashed potatoes.  We also introduced a variety of store-bought squeeze pouches while she has enjoyed and polishes off in a few seconds!

Thanksgiving food goodness

New Discoveries/Developments/Accomplishments: Bath time now involves lots of splashing with her wash cloth which is very fun to watch!  Amelia stood for the first time 100% on her own on 12*13*14 for about 15 seconds.  We will see how long it takes for her to start walking alone!  She almost immediately falls to the ground when she realizes she is standing alone.  She also cut her very first top tooth on 12*13*14.  You can see that what a very big day for her and probably helps explain the major lack of sleep happening!

Trying to walk to daddy

Places Amelia Traveled: We headed to Great Grandma and Grandpa Neuvirths for our first annual cookie bake.  Grandma Jamie and Jordyn, Aunt JoAnn and cousin Megan all stopped over to bake and enjoy the fun with us!  Masilko Christmas in Norfolk also happened this month and we had a blast spending the weekend with family!  A visit to Santa at Bass Pro Shop was also a must!  We waited in line for THREE hours just to make sure Amelia got to meet Santa for her first Christmas.

Busy Baking

She LOVED Santa, surprisingly!

Special Events or Holidays: First Thanksgiving!!!  and First Christmas celebration!  We love family time!
Thanksgiving 2014

New Friends: This month involved time with both Amelia's Kennedy cousins and her Masilko cousins!  It is so hard not seeing family whenever we want, so we really try and make the most of our time together with them.  We also went to a few MOPS meetings and had a dinner date with Jake, Corie and Erin at Red Robin.

Future Husband

New Baby Babble:  "go, go, go" and "peas" for please on occasion.  Amelia usually whispers/mouths the words, but we know what she means.  She also spends a good chunk of time reading her books to us!  Her favorite pastime is grabbing all the books off of her shelf, surrounding herself with a decent pile and babbling while turning all the pages.  It is ADORABLE!

Reading Time
Likes/Dislikes: Amelia got her first baby for Christmas and loves her "baby alive."  However, she does NOT want her baby to have her bottle in it's mouth and will rip it out the second you put it in!  Bathtime has become a bit of a struggle lately and she will occasionally cry the second we put her in the tub until we take her out.  Not sure where it is coming from, but I hope it is just a phase!

Before she started hating bath time

Parents Update:  Brandon was able to take some time off for the holidays, so it was nice having him around more and getting to really enjoy time as a family.  I am busy working at least 3 days a week, sometimes 4, all completely dependent on my dad's work schedule.  Did I mention that Amelia has the world's BEST grandparents?!  We are so fortunate that they always want to spend time with her and it gives Brandon and I a much needed break!  Working wasn't so bad at first because I was able to bring in Amelia when we didn't have a sitter.  Unfortunately, that only lasted through December.  It sounds like I will only be working through January, so we will have to see if I am able to continue staying at home or if I need to find something permanent.  It was wonderful 8 months at home with Amelia and I am dreading the thought of not being there for all her firsts!

With Daddy before we saw Santa

 Headed to work with mama

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Baby A Letter: December 4, 2013

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Baby A Letter: November 27, 2013

Since I have finally caught up to real time... I am going to post these letters on the day I wrote to you... one year later! I know it's pretty cheesy, but I am excited none the less!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

True Life: I'm a Bad Blogger

I have been AWFUL about blogging and it makes me really sad!  I feel like my life is in fast forward at the moment and I am just running on autopilot.   This means that blogging has taken a backseat while I hold on and try to play catch up!

I have been back at my old job for the past two weeks and being a working mom is torture on my sanity.  I've said it before and I will say it again, I honestly don't know HOW working mom's do this ALL the time! I cannot keep up.  My house is a mess, my chore chart has fallen apart, my relationship with my husband has been neglected, I haven't shaved my legs in weeks (Okay, this isn't anything new) and I feel like little Amelia is changing every time I blink!
 Soaking up the last days of fall before it snowed in Nebraska

In the last few weeks, my little girl's vocabulary has exploded!  Our pediatrician was shocked at her 9 month appointment on Monday when Amelia's was babbling "baby" at herself in the mirror.  She now says "mama," "dada," "baba" (for Bobdog, our bullmastiff) "Mimi" and "papa" as well as "baby."  Her recent extreme lack of sleep was also explained by her sudden growth spurt.  My peanut is 28 inches tall and went from the 20th percentile in height to the 67th percentile.  Needless to say, I am exhausted but now feel a little satisfaction for the many sleepless nights we have had.
Playing her favorite baby at Grandpa and Grandma's house

In other wonderful news... Amelia is now tolerating dairy!  I haven't blogged about this yet, but Amelia has suffered from MSPI (Milk Soy Protein Intolerance) since she was diagnosed at 10 days old.  This means that in order to continue nursing, both she and I have been on a dairy free diet for the past EIGHT months (she outgrew soy intolerance by 4 months).  If you love ice cream, cheese and chocolate as much as I do, you understand why this has been pure torture.  I am so thankful that I was able to stick to the diet and maintain our breastfeeding relationship!

Homemade lasagna followed by yogurt... I'll take the messy face if it means I can eat dairy!

I am so excited that we can both enjoy all the holiday foods coming up!  I was getting super nervous that I wouldn't be able to enjoy our families Thanksgiving feast if we were still dairy-free.  It's a silly thing to worry about, but Thanksgiving dinner is my absolute favorite and I look forward to it all year long.

Amelia and I want to wish you and yours a very happy Thanksgiving and we sincerely hope you are able to enjoy family time with those who matter most!  We also hope you score everything on your Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday wish list!!!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

All About Amelia - 9 months

Holy cow... three quarters of a year have passed for our little Amelia Grace!  Where in the world has time gone?  They were all right when they said "Time flies when you are having fun!"


20 pounds (71%) and 28 inches long (67%)

Sleeping Habits: What is sleep?!  Bedtime routine starting at 7pm and in her crib by 8pm.  She usually wakes up every 3-4 hours to eat (teething and MAJOR growth spurt) and a few other times to have her pacifier back and readjust.  Amelia does not stop moving even when she sleeps!  I never find her in the same spot I laid her down.  We usually can get two naps out of her, but most don't last more than 30 minutes!

Relaxing before bed with Daddy

Eating Habits: Amelia has three solid meals a day, plus snacks.  She is still breastfeeding about 6 times a day but also loves her sippy cup of water!

New Foods Amelia Tried: DAIRY!!! Amelia FINALLY outgrew her milk protein intolerance and we are having a blast trying tons of new foods! Pizza, Cheetos, cheese, ice cream, yogurt, chicken noodle soup, olives, yogurt, lasagna, chocolate chip cookies, and tuna were some of her favorites this month.

Trying Lasagna and Yogurt for the first time!

New Discoveries/Developments/Accomplishments: Amelia has mastered feeding herself by hand and hates when we try and feed her.  We are working on using a spoon, but aren't having much luck.  She LOVES her new sippy cup though!  She also took us by surprise and started using a straw all on her own!  On 11-3-14, Amelia randomly grabbed her Barnyard Sit/Stand toy and walked across the room.  Completely took both Brandon and I by surprise!  I am so grateful that she hasn't mastered walking on her own JUST yet and is still cruising along furniture or using mama's hands! 

Places Amelia Traveled: Grandpa/Grandma's house, Mimi and Papa's house, MOPS meetings, church, a craft fair AND Amelia got to go to work with mama a few times!

Special Events or Holidays: We celebrated our first Halloween with Minnie Mouse!  Amelia had a blast Trick or Treating at both grandpa Keith and Grandma Carole's AND Mimi and Papa's!  She was so spoiled with new treats and a new sippy cup and spoons.

 Checking out her goodies from Mimi and Papa

New Friends: We finally got a playdate in with Harper this month!  Her parents family have been an extension of the Koch's for almost 30 years.  It is so special that Harper and Amelia are only 2 weeks apart!

New Baby Babble:  "Baby" and "Mimi" are the only clear words for this month.  Amelia gets a kick out of finding herself in the mirror and saying "baaabeee" and playing her new baby dolls.  Another new development is more consistent giggles!  Amelia has the sweetest giggle and little voice I have ever heard!

Likes/Dislikes: Amelia still LOVES bath time and would spend a good hour in the tub with her toys if I would let her.  I enjoying giving her baths every night because hello... BABY MAGIC LOTION!  They really should sell Baby Magic air freshener so I could smell squishy baby smell all day long.  I wish I could say this has changed, but she still HATES getting in her car seat!  She has started arching her back, screaming and crying every single time we put her in her seat.  I am not sure why she hates it so much since she enjoys car rides (for the most part).  Her latest obsession is a baby doll that my dad and step-mom bought her.  She has one at our house as well, but doesn't seem to enjoy it as much.  She holds the baby by the arm and swings it around, bashes it's head into the floor (ok... it's cute when she does it, promise!) and gives it tons of open mouth kisses!

 Bath Time

Parents Update:  Brandon's business is really taking off and he is busier than ever!  It's both a blessing and a curse because it means we can pay the bills but we see less and less of him.  I was asked to come back to work at my old job a few weeks ago, so I am working Monday-Wednesday-Friday for the time being.  Things are crazy and I feel like there aren't enough hours in the day... the house is a mess, I hardly cook anymore and I can't remember the last time I shaved my legs... but we make it work!  We are having a blast playing with Amelia and getting to act like kids again!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Baby A Letter: November 19, 2013

HOLY FREAKING COW!!!! I wrote this post EXACTLY one year ago today!  I cannot even wrap my head around that... Amelia was still comfy in my belly and I was ecstatic she had a name!  Where is time going?!  Please slow down... =(
Pregnancy Week: 25
Dear baby Amelia,
That’s right… we finally picked out your NAME!!!  I have been awful about writing these last few weeks as it seems there is so much to cram into such a short time span.  But, you are officially our little Amelia Grace Koch.  Daddy apparently decided on your name weeks ago but didn’t fill in your mommy until last Sunday.  Needless to say, I was thrilled and we haven’t stopped using your name in conversation since.  I really hope you love your name as much as we do.  You feel like an Amelia inside of me, so I really hope it fits when you come into the world!
Here I go in attempt to fill you in on the last almost three weeks!
Grandma Jamie and I had so much fun shopping together for you in Norfolk!  Mommy has developed a bit of an addiction to picking out clothes for you and Daddy has learned to just keep his mouth shut about it.  Both Grandma Jamie and Grandpa Doug got to feel you kick and squirm around inside my belly!  It was so much fun watching their excitement at the smallest movement.  Of course, no one but me knows the extent of how much you move about in there and I couldn’t be more thrilled to share that bond together!
You have become SO active the past few weeks!  I still feel you the most at night between about 8pm and 10pm while I am lying down or relaxing.  Daddy can now feel you pretty much whenever I put his hand on my tummy without waiting for too long for your first sign of acknowledgement.  It is even to the point that I can feel you while I am standing up!  There are times when I feel overly pregnant and others where I have to remind myself you are still in there.  No new cravings or weird things to report.  My “round ligament” pain is getting worse in my left side and starting to happen more on my right side, but that is to be expected with my continuously bugling belly.
Mommy finally topped her “pre-pregnancy” weight at our 24 week appointment.  It was almost a six pound weight gain in four weeks, but Dr. Gernhart was very happy.  I was wearing my boots and a scarf when I was weighed, but we will ignore that.  We have to have another ultrasound around 28 weeks to make sure that you are still growing properly.  Apparently, the subchorionic hematoma’s that mommy had early on in pregnancy can still affect your growth even after my body has absorbed them.  I am confident that you are growing just fine, but I am so excited to see you again on the ultrasound!
Mimi bought the bedding for your room about two weeks ago.  She is VERY excited about it and has your nursery almost entirely decorated.  Mommy has only seen the bumper pad as Mimi wants to save something for a surprise… but I cheated and looked online at the collection!  No one ever said your mommy has patience or likes surprises!  Your baby shower has also been scheduled for January 26 at Brookestone Village (where mommy used to work).  It seems so far away, but I know time will fly.  My baby center pregnancy tracker alerted me today that I am exactly 25 weeks pregnant and there is only 105 days left until your arrival!  This really puts things into perspective considering we haven’t even started to look for nursery furniture or deep clean your room.  Mommy and Daddy need to get on it little lady!
Daddy and I took you to your first Husker game last weekend!  We were in Dan and Lisa Koch’s suite and it was truly amazing.  Husker football, as you will come to know, is what we Nebraskan’s live and breathe.  They lost, of course, but we had a blast!  You were so active through the game; I really hope this means you are going to be a football fan like your parents.  If not, we will still probably drag you to a game or five… and force you watch Husker football on the weekends so you at least have some basic knowledge of the game and can hold your own in a conversation with boys. This helped your momma tremendously growing up!  Trust me; you will thank me for this someday.
Thanksgiving is next week already and I can hardly believe it!  Mommy and daddy will surly get some Black Friday shopping done and possibly pick out your nursery furniture.  I already admitted I have a shopping problem and your daddy will actually get into the spirit that day and help me fight the crowds!  With only 105 days left, until next time little one!
I love you to the moon and back!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Give Thanks November

How in the world is it already NOVEMBER?!  Am I the only one who is having trouble wrapping my head around the fact that 2014 is almost over?  I am so sorry that I was MIA last week.  We were so busy with Halloween activities that I completely lost track of the day and forgot to post!  Amelia has been going through a nap refusal period, so things have been extra crazy in our household.  Combine that with her spurt of extreme activeness and the process of learning to walk... you can understand where I am coming from.  She is so busy now that I didn't even get a clear picture of her in her adorable Minnie Mouse costume!
This is the only picture I have of her looking at the camera... and it's blurry =(

 She was far too interested in the goodies she received to look at mama!

November is one of my favorite months.  Not only is the weather perfect, crisp but not too cold (okay... who am I kidding?  I live in Nebraska; it could snow tomorrow!), but it's full of family time and togetherness.  I look forward to my families Thanksgiving feast all year long.  Side note, why do we save turkey and all the fixings for one time of year?  In my opinion, it should be served at least once a month!

For the past several years, I have challenged myself to use the month November to remember all the reasons I have to give thanks.  God is so good and this is just a small way that I can let the world know just how eternally grateful I am for His grace!  If you don't already do something like this, I urge to take the plunge and give it a try!  It makes me feel so much better about life all month long!

Some of the reasons I gave thanks this month:
-MOPS -I adore my local group! MOPS is such an amazing organization and brings mamas from all different walks of life together.  I love it so much, I joined TWO different groups!
-My faith - Love for God. Enough said.  I could write endless posts on my love for God and all he has blessed me with in life.
-Good health - This is no small reason to give thanks.  I see posts daily on Facebook and Instagram about just how quickly someone's health can change.  Every day is a gift; treat it as such!

This is only a snippet of the reasons I intend on giving thanks during the month of November.  It's only seven days in and I already have more reasons than days in the month.  I hope you all join me on this journey and realize just how many reasons you have to be thankful as well!

I'll leave you with one of the few clear pictures I've snapped of Amelia lately.  The only time this girl is still these days is when she's strapped in her car seat! 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Easy Egg Muffins

Most of you know I am a stay at home mom.  In my "past life," I was the Director of Sales for Skilled Nursing at a local continuum of care facility.  Old people are my jam and I loved serving and helping a vulnerable population!  When I left my position to stay home full time with Amelia, my work was pretty upset.  They asked me to stay employed as a consultant and fill in when things got crazy or they needed an extra set of hands.
Why am I telling you all this?  Because on Monday, my work called and asked me to come in for a few days this week and next... and who am I to turn down some extra money before the Holidays?!

I am extremely fortunate that my father is "semi-retired" and able to watch Amelia pretty much at a moments notice.  My mother-in-law is a hair stylist and sets her own schedule, so she is also very flexible given a few days notice and willing clients to rearrange their appointments.  With child care all arranged, this mama was headed back to the workforce for a few days!

Enter... My super easy Egg Muffins!  These were my go-to while pregnant and make for a healthy breakfast option on the go!  The best part is, these are completely customizable to your taste and dairy-free diets like mine!  I totally forgot about this recipe until this week and did a major forehead slap for not making these more often now that I am home!

Main Ingredients:
Eggs (I use 9 whole eggs to make 12 muffins. You can also do just egg whites if that's your thing.)
Milk (dairy, soy, almond... mine were made with almond)
Cooking spray (or butter, coconut oil, whatever you use to grease a pan!)

Optional Ingredients:
Meat (bacon, ham, turkey sausage, hamburger, steak, chicken, ANYTHING!)
Peppers (green, yellow, red, orange)
Olives (YUCK! But to each their own)
       ***Ingredients in italics are what I used in my Egg Muffins because they were on hand***


1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees and grease your muffin tins with oil.

2.  Beat eggs with approximately 1/4 cup milk.  Use your judgement on more/less milk based how creamy you want your eggs.

3. Pour 1/4 cup egg mixture into each muffin tin.  Your measuring cup works great for this!

4. Sprinkle ingredients into each muffin cup.  This is where you can get super creative!  Make them all the same or personalize for each person you are feeding!

5. This step isn't imperative, but I swirl the ingredients in each tin with a knife to mix them up a bit. 

6. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes (adjust based on your oven and altitude).

7. Remove from muffin tins (the oil should allow them to slide right out!) and serve!  Or let cool and refrigerate / freeze for later.


So, there ya have it!  My super easy Egg Muffin recipe!  Do you any of you have other go-to, quick breakfast ideas?  I am always looking for ways to make my life easier, especially now that I am back at work for a bit!  I would love to hear from you.

Until next time!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Pumpkin Patch Adventure

Sorry I was MIA last week... I have been dealing with a very cranky, teething baby!  Amelia got her first TWO bottom teeth in less than a week!  Needless to say, I was exhausted and had no energy to blog.

We did, however, manage to make it out of the house on Sunday for our yearly trip to the local pumpkin patch!  I don't know about where you live, but Omaha has a pretty amazing setup at Vala's Pumpkin Patch.  It is fun for the whole family and you can spend all day there and still not see everything.  This is the closest thing we have to an amusement park, which means that the whole city visits in the span of a month... It's crowded, but it is SO worth it!

We are fortunate enough to have our Vala's trip paid for by my stepmothers work!  They have their annual company picnic at a campsite on the grounds and we take full advantage of roasting hotdogs and marshmallows by the fire pit while checking out the sights!  I LOVE the smell of bonfire smoke, but hate it the second I leave.  Do any of you feel that way too?

As you can tell by the above picture, Amelia still wasn't feeling 100% for our outing.  Thankfully, we still had the Ergo we borrowed from a friend and she stayed attached to me most of the trip.  I did bring along the stroller just in case she would use it... but this is how she feels about her stroller while teething.

This picture was taken right before full-on-meltdown mode hit.  She may be cute, but this girl can throw a tantrum with the best of them!  The stroller did come in handy as it carted around all our coats (it got up to 65 degrees while we were there!), beverages, diaper bags and all our goodies we picked up along the way.

Also, Amelia is not a fan of wood chips!  She made this face the entire time that I set her down.  I suppose this face was also because I wouldn't let her eat the wood chips like she wanted.  Apparently this makes me a mean mom! =)


Taking a picture in front of this growth chart has been a tradition in my family since before I can remember!  There are pictures of me standing with my siblings and cousins as early as 1994 in front of this sign (I can't seem to find all our older family albums to see when the tradition began).  Originally, I was just going to hold Amelia because she wasn't standing on her own yet, but Grandpa (my dad) asked me to set her down and hold her fingers to make it an "authentic" growth shot.  Amelia decided that having an audience around was the perfect opportunity to stand alone for the FIRST TIME!  This mama was a nervous wreck.

I am still amazed that my dad manged to capture this huge milestone!  I was in shock that she could stand alone, unsupported by my fingers.  Amelia seemed to LOVE the freedom and attention.  This is her latest "stinker face" as her dad so affectionately named it.  She thinks she is so funny and loves to make everyone laugh when she smiles and scrunches up her nose.

Our little shorty is standing just a hair above 2 feet tall... and loves her new standing trick!  As of now, she is pulling herself up on EVERYTHING and standing with her bum supported against the wall.  Where is time going?!


I'll leave you with my favorite picture of the two of us from our Vala's Pumpkin Patch adventure!  Until next time...

Happy Fall, y'all!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Chore List

The weather here in Nebraska has been a little wonky (when is this NOT the case for the Midwest?!).  We started the week with sunny, clear blue skies and mid-70's weather, went to monsoon like rain by Wednesday and a 30 degree temperature drop and sprinkles Thursday!  Today's high is 53, but at least the rain has let up.  Talk about crazy!

Soccer Field (left) and Baseball Field (right) behind our house... completely under water

Why do I waste my time bringing up the weather?  Well... I always make it a point to check out the week's forecast on Sunday evening.  This helps me finalize our plans for the week and something way less exciting, but totally necessary... CLEANING the house.

I will admit, my house is not always spotless like some may think (who am I kidding; no one thinks my house is spotless!).  We have two HUGE dogs, a woman (ME!) going through postpartum hair-loss and an active 7 month old.  Things are almost always a mess here, but I do my best to keep up.  Weather almost always dictates when and what order I do my "chores."  If it's nice, I want something fast and easy so we can get out and enjoy the day.  Gloomy and cold days I reserve for cleaning projects that are going to take more time.

Monday is ALWAYS the same, regardless of weather.  I tackle the bathroom!

I don't know about you, but I cannot stand a messy bathroom.  We only have ONE bathroom in our house.  Yeah, one bathroom for three people.  It makes for some very interesting times when stomach bugs hit, company stops over or events where promptness is expected.  Somehow, we make it work.

Bathroom duties for me include: scrubbing the tub and shower walls, wiping clean the sink and mirror, sweeping the floor, organizing under the sink and scouring the toilet.

Early morning bathroom cleaning meant we could hit up the Henry Doorly Zoo with cousins

Tuesday and Wednesday are interchangeable.  One day is floors (quick and easy) and the other is the kitchen (quick but more demanding labor).

We have hardwood and tile floors throughout our house.  Hair collects in every nook and cranny, so a Swiffer has become my best friend!  I start in our bedroom (we have a whopping TWO bedrooms), the hall between our rooms, Amelia's room and then hit the living room.  The living room is by far the biggest space in our house, and also has a large area rug, so it takes the most time.  After I Swiffer the living room floors, I vacuum the rug and under the couch and chair.

Side Note: Amelia used to sleep through all my cleaning endeavors.  I could even vacuum in her room while she was napping.  Lately, she is terrified by the sound the vacuum and I can only do it while she is awake and being held.  If  not, she wakes up and goes in to terrified meltdown mode.

We always use the back door (closer to the detached garage) to get in to our house, so when you enter, you're in the kitchen.  Because it is the first thing people see, I usually try and keep it as clean as possible.  I am a very organized person (can you tell?) and a minimalist when it comes to what I keep on our counters.  This makes it a breeze to clean!  I usually wipe down the counters, sink, cabinets and appliances and then I wet jet the floors.  That's it!  Did I mention that the Swiffer is my best friend?  Using the wet jet function is a huge time and back saver!

Thursday is a dedicated LAUNDRY day!

Brandon, my husband, owns about 15 pairs of shorts, but only wears the same four pairs to work (even in the winter!).  By Thursday, the man is down to his last pair, and although he would wear the same dirty pair over, it just grosses me out (MEN!).

Growing up, my mother stressed the importance of washing clothes separately and her lessons stuck with me.  I sort the towels, Amelia's clothes, and our whites, darks and colors.  There is usually a small delicate pile that I wash every other week.

I don't mind folding laundry, but I detest putting clothes away.  No clue why, but I hate it.  I usually do laundry first thing in the morning and stare at the piles until nightfall when I force myself to put it away before I head to bed.  Does anyone else hate this task?

 Clean laundry... sat like that ALL day long!

Friday is dusting and straightening the bedrooms.

Fortunately, our house is extremely small, so I don't have much to dust.  Picking up the bedrooms doesn't take terribly long since laundry is done and put away from the day before.  I am awful about making our bed every day, so this is the only day our room looks nice (unless we have company over during the week)!  Friday's are always the easiest day and make for a nice start to the weekend.

Saturday and Sunday I tend to relax and enjoy family time.  If something on my list didn't get tackled during the week, I finish it on one of these days.  We are usually pretty busy on the weekends so I don't like to put off my weekly cleaning tasks (if I do, it usually doesn't get done!).

Who wouldn't rush through cleaning to play with this sweet little girl?!

I do make it a point to reserve about one weekend day during the month to DEEP clean.  My monthly deep clean includes: washing the baseboards, stripping the bed and washing sheets (plus Amelia's crib sheet) and organizing the hall closet.  In the spring and fall, I clean all the windows in the house, dust the wood blinds and scrub the inside of the refrigerator.  I also organize to my hearts content.  Yes, I can be a little OCD.

The only reason my cleaning routine works for us is because I am a stay at home mom.  I honestly have NO clue how you working mom's keep a clean house!  I have SO MUCH RESPECT for you and all that you do for your family!  Our "schedule" also works because my lovely husband tackles everything dealing with the outdoors.  I don't even know to work our lawn mower or snow blower!

What does your cleaning routine look like?  Do you have one?  Do you breakdown your chores like I do?  Clean everything once a week?  Only clean when you get the chance?  I would love to know if you have any suggestions on my routine or some tricks I don't know about to make my life easier!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Sleeping Habits - The Cry It Out Method

Let's talk about sleeping habits for a minute, shall we? 

I was blessed with an amazing newborn.  From birth, Amelia slept in 4 hour stretches between night feedings.  Yes, you read that correctly... a newborn sleeping for FOUR hours at a time!  At about 5 weeks, she started sleeping for 6 hour stretches overnight.  The best part, she put herself to sleep for naps and at bedtime!  There was no rocking and cuddling my baby to sleep (sometimes this made me sad!); this little girl was independent and wanted her space in her crib!  I thought I birthed the best, sleep loving baby in the whole wide world.

At about 3 months... Amelia pulled a fast one on me and went from these glorious, uninterrupted 6 hour stretches to waking 2-3 times a night to feed.  This meant that I was up every 2 to 3 hours, sometimes LESS, to feed her!  Amelia would no longer put herself to sleep; instead I spent a huge chunk of time trying to get her to fall asleep.  Sometimes it would take over an hour of rocking, walking, singing, bouncing, cuddling, you name it to get her to go to sleep.  This wrecked complete havoc on my system and made for one very cranky momma.  The pediatrician told me she must be going through a growth spurt and to keep up the night feedings.  Turns out, pediatricians aren't God and can be wrong! (Who knew?!)

ENTER: My older sister Kim.  Our first night on vacation in Baltimore, Kim was shocked when I told her I was still feeding Amelia every 3-ish hours at night.  Naive, first time mom and all, I did what the doctor suggested and went with it.  I thought suggestions for the "cry it out" method my friends were doing were way too harsh and I couldn't fathom doing it to Amelia.  Thank God for my big sisters help and guidance!  She offered to handle the first night of putting her to sleep for me and listening for her first cry to see if she could hold off ONE night feeding for me.  Massively sleep deprived for months on end, I happily agreed.

Yes, Amelia cried for a good 14 minutes the first night before she fell asleep.  I remember the sound very distinctively and the exact amount of time she cried (so happy I didn't have to go through this alone!).  Our agreement was that I could go in and check on her every 10 minutes to give her pacifier back and comfort her that I was still there and it was "night-night" time.  I went to bed a short time after she fell asleep, anticipating my usual wake up call a few hours later. 

Around 8:00 am the next morning, I stumbled downstairs to find a STILL sleeping baby!  In a recap from my sister, Amelia woke up around 2:15am, fussed for a few minutes after receiving her pacifier back and never made another peep.  She didn't wake up that morning almost 8:45am!  My sister also mentioned that she checked on her around 5am and 8am to be safe (yes, she is just as paranoid as I am!).  I literally cannot remember the last time I got that much consecutive sleep!  We haven't looked back since!

I will be honest, doing the "cry it out" method was extremely difficult on me the first few nights.  Listening to Amelia cry was so hard!  But as her mother, I can tell the difference in her cries.  She has the "hurt" cry, "pissed off" cry, "scared" cry and "overly tired" cry that are all pretty distinct.  On the occasions she has cried before sleep, she starts with the "pissed off" cry for maybe a minute or two and quickly moves on to the "overly tired."  I knew crying it out was the right solution for us when I went to pick her up from her crib and she immediately stopped crying and buried her head in my shoulder to sleep.

We use the same principle for nap time.  I wait for her "tired" cues, which include being overly fussy and rubbing her eyes, before putting her down.  Most naps don't involve any crying (can't figure that one out...)!  Amelia is also taking longer naps since she started sleeping through the night which is a huge bonus!

Consistency in the routine has been crucial to our success.  For every sleep, I make sure to use the same blanket and say the same phrase ("It's night-night time, Amelia Grace.  Mommy loves you.  Sweet dreams.").  I also rub her back while I'm saying the phrase.  After I am done, I bend down (more like fall into her crib it is so low now!) to give her a kiss, make sure her pacifier is in her mouth, walk out of the room and shut the door.  If she is still crying 10 minutes later (this doesn't happen often), I go back into her room, search for her pacifier and start the routine again.  I will also mention that if I go back in, I do not pick her up out of her crib.

One last trick that is working for us is keeping Amelia's nursery pitch black and quiet.  This meant getting rid of the sound machine we used (I think I liked it better than she did, oops!).  Currently, I have some old black curtains tacked up in her windows until we get room darkening shades!  We keep it classy in the Koch household!

This might not be the solution for everyone.  I totally get/respect/understand that!  I was completely skeptical and hesitant at first!  It really does sound quiet awful when I read back through this post... But, at the end of the day, it worked and I really felt this was best for Amelia and myself.  Three cheers for sleep!!!

I would LOVE to hear what sleep solutions have worked for you and your babes.  Maybe you are struggling with sleep habits like I was?  Ask me a question!  I am by no means an expert, but am more than happy to try and help!

Until next time!

Friday, September 19, 2014

We are home safe and sound from our wonderful vacation to Baltimore!  As promised, here are my top five tips and tricks for flying with an infant (or 6 month old).
Selby Bay is less than a mile away from my sisters house! AMAZING!!!

Tip #1:
Use a stroller or baby carrier!  I wish I had known that I could have gate checked a stroller for Amelia without being charged.  That would have made life SO much easier on me!  I was fortunate enough to borrow a friends Ergo and wore Amelia through check in and between flights.

Early morning workout and Amelia in her pj's... unrelated to travel, but THE BEACH!

Tip #2:
Feed baby during take off and landing.  Bottle or breast, whatever works for you!  The pressure change wrecks havoc on poor infants ears.  Even if it means pushing back a feeding and dealing with a fussy baby in the airport, it is well worth it (in my opinion).  I learned my lesson during our first flight; I didn't want to deal with a cranky Amelia before we took off, so I fed her early in the hopes her pacifier would work just as well.  It did not and I paid the price!

Tip #3:
Pack a few favorite toys for entertainment and emergencies.  For us, this included: a remote, an old phone cover, Chica Chica Boom Boom, Sophie the Giraffe and a hippo rattle.  I was planning on connecting to WiFi and utilizing the free DISH app; unfortunately, three of our four flights didn't have WiFi or it wasn't working.

Killing time at the airport playing with toys

Tip #4:
Ask about an extra seat for baby!  This was a huge bonus for us on two out of four flights!  If the flight isn't full, you can give your little their own seat, or an extra seat for you to spread out in, for free.  I checked into the "affordable" infant flight options before we left on our vacation... they were NOT affordable in any way (I am talking more than the price of my flights!).

Amelia acted like such a big girl

Tip #5:
Pack your babes favorite snacks.  For us, that means Gerber Puffs and a squeeze pouch.  Generally, I like to make my own squeeze pouches, but I didn't want to bother with it on the trip and picked up a few at Target before we left.
Leftover squeeze pouch enjoyment at Aunt Kim's house

Not related to airport travel, but Amelia tried Chic-Fil-A for the first time and LOVED their nuggets

Well... there ya have it!  My top five tips and tricks for flying with an infant.  I am sure we will make this trip again sometime in the future and I will have a whole new set of tips and tricks for flying with a toddler.  Stay tuned!

Swinging at the beach

Happy Weekend!