Wednesday, July 2, 2014

And So It Begins...

It's the usual, "The first thing I will do when I found out I'm pregnant is start a blog," story.  Only in my story, my procrastination got the best of me (as always) and I never did.  Now, I find myself exactly a year to the day from my first pregnancy, and I still have not started my journey in to "blog-dom." So... here goes nothin'!
On July 2, 2013, the world as I knew it was over.  It was on this day that I revealed my very first + sign. The first test came back " - | " ... Any woman who has ever been on the receiving end of a negative test knows the result should read " | | " to be in the clear. I believe my exact words to Brandon (my now hubby) were "Oh $h*t!" You see, although I had prayed to get pregnant for years, Brandon and I's wedding wasn't for seven more weeks.
Dun-dun-Duh... I got pregnant before I was married! (Side note: the first time I typed that, it auto corrected to "oregano" instead of pregnant!) Holy cliche!  Now, as a newly baptized Catholic, I knew this was wrong. But frankly, I didn't care (still don't). Does this make a bad person? No... it makes human and I'm okay with that.
Back to the story. Before I let myself get too panicked over the result, I took a second test... AND a third! One can never be too careful with these things. Two positive sticks later and we were officially having our first baby!!!
And that is the short version of how the blog of "Baby A and Mrs. K" got its start!

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