Friday, August 8, 2014

Dreams in to Reality

I always think of all these great blog posts during middle of the night feeds.  They are witty and captivating and the words easily flow from my fingers to the screen.  Then morning comes, I can't remember a darn thing and I find myself typing and deleting and retyping every thought that pops in to my head.  Does this happen to all bloggers
I look back on m y favorite blogger, Hey Natalie Jean, and I can't find a single post that I didn't adore.  She manages to make me laugh, cry and connect with her  like she is my very best friend in the whole world.  Do some people have  gift with words and others don't?  I suppose even if this blog doesn't make all my wild fantasy's come true, at least it's a place for Amelia to look back years from now and see what her momma was like on the daily.
Dreams are a funny thing.  I grew up with two dreams: to be a lawyer and to be a mom.  During high school, my ambition to get in to law school was high and I worked my tail off to maintain good grades and participate in as many extracurricular's as possible.  For a senior project, I had to interview a female in my field on career guidance and advice.  After an hour long Q&A with the perfect candidate, one thing became shockingly clear; I could have the career of my dreams or dedicate my life to my family.
Why, as a female, do most of us have to make the choice between a career and a family?  Why can't we "have it all" like our male counterparts?  I wish I knew.  But it was then and there that I threw my law school dreams out the window and made becoming a mom my number one priority.  This may not be the ideal choice for some, but for me, it was.  Many of you might be staring at your screen in disbelief at my choice or screaming about equality and feminism and throw in a few profanities in for good measure.  But, whatever.  What's done, is done.
Fast forward a good eight years and my dream became a reality.  Amelia entered my life and BOOM!  I was a mother.  Now what?  My dream is complete.
And this is where my struggle comes in.  I found my dream guy, my picture perfect babe and am fortunate enough to dedicate my life to being a stay at home mom.  So... where do I go from here?  What dreams can I dig up and bring to fruition? Enter... writing and blogging!
Here goes nothing! A new dream to bring to life!  Happy Friday y'all!

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